“Isagu Waa Tartame, Waxaan Rajaynayaa…” – Kabtankii Arsenal

Kabtankii hore ee kooxda Arsenal ee Laurent Kosceilny ayaa markiisa ka hadlay xaalada uu kooxdaas kaga jiro ciyaaryahankii ay kasoo wada tirsanaayeen kooxda ee Mesut Ozil oo uu go’aan adag ka qaatay tababaraha haatan ee Mikel Arteta.Arteta ayaa qaab adag ula dhaqmay xiddiga ree Germany isaga oo ka saaray safafka uu kaga qayb galayo horyaalka Premier League iyo tartanka UEFA Europe League walow uu 350,000 oo Pound toddobaadkii mushahar ahaan uga qaato.Go’aanka uu gaadhay Arteta ayaa dhaliyay inay dagaal adag oo dhinaca afka…

Sergio Ramos Ma Yahay Daafaca Ugu Fiican Abid Kubadda Cagta?

Hal maalin kaddib guushii weyneyd ee 3-1 ka ahayd ee ay kooxdiisa Real Madrid kasoo hoysay dhigeeda Barcelona, shabakadda caanka ah ee bixisa Ballon d’Or ee France Football ayaa akhristayaasheeda weydiisay haddii uu kabtan Sergio Ramos yahay daafaca abid ugu wanaagsan kubadda cagta.Ramos ayaa sii wada inuu qabsado boggaga hore ee saxaafada ka faaloota kubadda cagta kaddib guushii kooxdiisa isaga oo kamid ahaa xiddigaha shabaqa Barcelona gaadhay kaddib rigoorihii uu dhaliyay.France Football ayaa akhristayaasheeda weydiisay…

Libya: Ceasefire settlement doesn’t have an effect on settlement with Turkey

The everlasting ceasefire settlement reached in Geneva between rival Libyan events won't have an effect on army offers with Turkey and cooperation with Ankara will proceed, Libya's protection minister mentioned late Sunday. Concerning the ceasefire settlement signed beneath the auspices of the United Nations Help Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) between delegations representing the reliable Libyan authorities and Putin Common Khalifa Haftar, Libyan Protection Minister Salaheddin al-Namroush mentioned: "The…

SADDEX Ciyaartoy Oo Kooxo Waaweyn Oo Premier League Ka

Saddex ciyaartoy oo kooxaha waaweyn ee horyaalka Premier League ka tirsan ayaa ku dhacay baadhitaanka DAROOGADA xili-ciyaareedkii hore ee 2019-20, sida ay kashiftay warbixin sir ah oo lasoo saaray.Wargeyska caanka ah ee The Athletic ee looga dambeeyo dhinaca ciyaaraha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in saddex ciyaartoy laga helay jidhkooda inay ku jirto daroogo laakiin aan si dhab ah loo xaqiijin inay jabiyeen sharciga, taas darteedna ay Hay’adda la-dagaallanka Maandooriyaha ee (UK Anti-DopinG UKAD) ay u ogolaatay inay ciyaari…

a still tense security situation in Conakry

While violence has taken place since Election Sunday, the security situation remains very tense in Conakry. A mission from the international community tries to calm the situation during a day of dialogue with the various actors. With our special correspondent in Conakry, Charlotte idracThe situation in Conakry varies greatly…

Liverpool Oo Ka Guuraysa Garoonkeeda Tababarka Ee Melwood &

Liverpool ayaa ugu dambayn ka guuri doonta garoonkeeda tababarka ee Melwood, waxaanay tegaysaa garoon cusub oo ay ciyaartoydu ku tababaran doonaan oo dhowaan ay ku dhisteen lacag ka badan £50 milyan oo Gini.Xarunta cusub ee tababarka oo lagu magacaabo Kirkby ayay bisha dambe ciyaartoyda iyo tababareyaashuba iska xaadirin doonaan, taas oo qorshuhu ahaa in waqti hore loo wareego balse xanuunka Korona Fayras darteed dib loogu dhigay.Reds ayaa iibisay xarunteeda guunka ah ee Melwood ee ay muddada dheer kusoo qaadanaysay…

Somaliland suspends UN engagement on humanitarian help

HARGEISA, Somalia - The United Nations must look forward to additional warning earlier than collaborating in humanitarian actions within the northern breakaway area of Somalia, it has emerged after the suspension by the Somali authorities underneath unclear circumstances. Somaliland, which claimed to have withdrawn from Somalia in 1991, has run a parallel authorities with all related establishments, however has pushed for worldwide recognition, which has not but been permitted. In a letter from the area's Ministry…

7 Superfoods Each Girl Wants

You need to shed some pounds and enhance your well being so you have made a degree so as to add nutritious meals like fruits, veggies and entire grains to your weight loss plan. Nice begin! However the secret is that you simply should not simply eat healthfully; it is best to eat good, too. See, the whole lot you place into your physique is basically a software in your disease-fighting arsenal, and selecting the easiest weapons is paramount. So, what precisely are the most effective dietary weapons of selection? Any meals…

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