Somalia: President Farmajo breaks silence and addresses the

It has been a protracted 12 months and a half since Farmajo was elected on February 8, 2017. Not often has he spoken to individuals in regards to the state of affairs within the nation. His silence was not solely complicated but in addition condescending. Granted, he was not gifted with the present of the hole, which implies he was not the most effective communicator, however as residents we might nonetheless like our president to speak with us. We wish to hear and get from him straight his perspective on what is…

Ethiopia’s new ruler drives out previous guard

It's the New 12 months in Ethiopia, a contemporary republic and former monarchy of the Horn of Africa, which nonetheless follows the Julian calendar. To rejoice, Abiy Ahmed, the 42-year-old Ethiopian prime minister and Africa's most dynamic chief, opened the border with previous nemesis Eritrea, permitting households separated for a technology to cross the border in tears. Lately, it is like New Years in Ethiopia on a regular basis. Mr. Abiy has been Prime Minister for lower than six months after the abrupt…

Somalia: an open letter to the chief justice

My Lordship, please obtain my belated congratulations and heat greetings from the slopes of the picturesque hills of Daallo the place I'm at the moment on a working vacation with my beloved Ayeeyo.Your Lordship, your appointment as Chief Justice has come as a shock to me. Not that you're not certified, however due to the distinctive and essential position that the place was to serve for a complete nation, I believed there have been individuals extra deserving, higher ready and certified for the place than you. by…

Winds of change within the Horn of Africa opens Somalia for enterprise

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Latest amnesty noticed leaders of many terrorist teams take over authorities and assist construct nation A couple of days in the past, Eritrea and Djibouti agreed to normalize their relations, opening a brand new chapter of their beforehand icy relations. This adopted one other essential milestone - a summit in Asmara that introduced collectively the leaders of Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea in an effort to barter peace. The assembly exhibits Somalia's willpower to make regional peace and…

Somalia: It is an “F” for Farmaajo in judicial reform

It's a well-known drawback that the issue with Somalia is, above all, a troubled justice system. This primary truth has proved inconvenient for Somali leaders previous and current as it's the predominant cause for his or her failure to arouse the true need and confidence of the Somali folks. You possibly can say that such confidence within the management is current when the Somali folks start to take the initiative to denounce the enemy of their midst. It is a drawback as a result of no chief will ever win the…

The intersectionality between the hate narrative and the bloodbath:

The alarming fee of massacres perpetrated by marauding Oromos, composed of paramilitary troops, vigilante gangs glorified by Oromo politicians as nationalist forces, and peasants armed with machetes, who viciously assault Somali villages, gives testimony to 'a typical ethnic genocide. Acts of genocide are illuminated and preceded by political narratives. To know the intersectionality between genocide, or within the case of the Ethiopian Somali bloodbath, we have to study the Ethiopian case within the context of…

Axmed Madoobe oo isku shaandheyn ku sameeyay Golahiisa Wasiirrada

Hogaamiye Maamulka Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam, ayaa waxaa uu isku shaandheyn ku sameeyay Golaha Wasiirrada ee Maamulkiisa. Isku shaandheyntan oo todobaadyadii la soo dhaafay laga hadal hayay degaannada Jubaland ayaa waxaa ay saameysay qaar ka mid ah Golaha Wasiirrada. Wasiirrada qaar ayaa waxaa lagu beddelay Wasiirro kale iyagana loo magacaabay kuwo kale,waxaana ay isku shaandheynta u qoran tahay sidan.

Qalbidhagax oo gaaray Nairobi – AxadleTM

Sarkaalka ONLF C/kariin Sheekh Muuse Qalbidhagax oo Khamiistii laga sii daayay Xabsi ku yaal Itoobiya ayaa ka dhoofay Garoonka Bole ee Magaalada Adis-Ababa. Qalbidhagax, Waxa uu gaaray Magaalada Nairobi ee Xarunta dalka Kenya oo ay kasoctay qabanqaabo balaaran oo loogu jiro soo dhaweyntiisa, Dadka soo dhaweynaya ayaa isugu jira shacab taageero u haya Sarkaalka iyo Xubno kamid ah ONLF oo si caadi ah Nairobi u jooga. Gawaari ay ku ixranyihiin Cod baahiyayaal, ayna ku dheganyihiin…

Hay’adda dembi-baarista Soomaaliya oo xirtay afhayeenkii hore ee Galmudug

Hay’adda Dambi baarista Soomaaliya ayaa Magaalada Muqdisho ka soo saartay maanta warqad u yeeris ah oo ku socotay  Afhayeenkii hore ee Maamulka Galmudug Cabdullahi Xaashi Faarax. Cabdullahi ayaa maalma ka hor sheegay in Ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku xireen Muqdisho,isaga oo xusay in ay ka qaadeen Sawirro aan anshax ahaan wanaagsaneyn. Waxaa uu sheegay in lagu heystay farriin uu boggiisa Facebook,  ku qoray taas oo uu uga hadlay  siideynta Cabdikariin Sh. Muuse…

Duqa Muqdisho oo xoolaha ka mamnuucay gudaha Magaalada,Wareegto

Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho C/Raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisow ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray ku mamnuucay Xoolaha lagu siidaayo Magaalada gudaheeda. Wareegtadan waxaa uu digniin ugu diray dadka leh Xoolaha,waxaana uu ku sheegay in qofkii saddex jeer la ganaaxo ee aan xoolaheeda ka celin magaalada lagala wareegayo. Xoolahan,waxaa ay isugu jiraan Ari Lo’ iyo Geel,waxaana caadi ka ah Magaalada in aad ku dhex aragto Xoole daaqaya. Maamulladii ka horreeyay…

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