Eritrea Asserts Egypt Has No Intentions of Disrupting Stability in the Horn of Africa

ASMARA, Eritrea - Eritrea has come forward to claim that Egypt is being unfairly targeted by unwarranted rumors about purported schemes to unsettle the Horn of Africa. Eritrea insists Egypt is a beacon of tranquility and growth for the region. During a discussion in Asmara, featuring an Egyptian cohort led by Foreign Affairs Minister Badr Abdelatty, a consensus was reached with President Isaias Afwerki to bolster peace and steadiness in the uncertain Horn of Africa. Yemane Meskel, Eritrea's minister of information,…

Five Lives Lost in Mogadishu Following Roadside Bomb Explosions, Authorities Report

Explosions in the Somali capital claimed five lives and left eight injuredMOGADISHU, Somalia -- Explosions on the streets of Mogadishu claimed the lives of five individuals and wounded eight others Saturday, as confirmed by a municipal official.An explosive device had been secretly stationed in a busy area where a group of young folks had gathered to snap photos, remarked Abdullahi Sheikh Abdirahman, the district commissioner of Mogadishu's Kahda neighborhood."I witnessed several bodies strewn across the road moments after…

Ethiopia-Somalia Negotiations in Turkey Delayed Due to Escalating Tensions

Ethiopia-Somalia Talks in Turkey Delayed Amid Escalating Tensions ANKARA, Turkey - The high-stakes discussions between Ethiopia and Somalia, which many had hoped would ease rising tensions, have been shelved for now. This unexpected delay could further elevate the stress between the conflicting nations. According to informed sources, the pause might fan the flames of hostility even more. Turkey, eager to facilitate the dialogue, has already seen two failed attempts. They had proposed a third round of…

Northeastern State Minister Opposes Shared Control in Bosaso Amid PSF and PMPF Tensions

The situation took a dramatic turn this week when the Northeastern State Security Forces (PSF) slapped a security lockdown on Bosaso Airport, halting flights and urging civilians to clear the premises. The PSF accused the current airport managers of blocking their injured soldiers from getting medical evacuation to Mogadishu. “We must respect the authority of governance,” stated Dirir on Sunday. “Northeastern State is entitled to oversee Bosaso and the entirety of Northeastern State. Anyone with issues should seek legal…

Somalia Grounds Flights to Bosaso Airport, Impacting Ethiopian Airlines

BOSASO, Somalia - In a striking turn of events, the Somali government has put the kibosh on all flights to Bosaso Airport, bringing operations — including those by Ethiopian Airlines — to a grinding halt for today. This drastic action arises amid escalating beefs over who runs the airport and security concerns flagged by the Northeastern State Security Forces (PSF). The PSF had previously put airlines, Ethiopian Airlines included, on notice to steer clear of Bosaso Airport until things got back to how they were…

Somali Troops Eliminate al-Shabaab Fighters in Significant Lower Jubba Battle

The Somali National Army's Danab unit, alongside Jubbaland security squads, stood watch after taking down an Al-Shabaab sanctuary in the Lower Jubba region. Their presence underscored ongoing efforts to eradicate militant strongholds in the area. Mogadishu (AX) — At the break of dawn, Somali government forces joined by Jubbaland troops engaged in a skirmish with Al-Shabaab militants in Janay Abdalla, Lower Jubba. This clash represents the latest thrust in the government’s relentless drive to dismantle the militant group.…

Biden Administration Introduces New Shipping Regulations Aimed at China’s Shein and Temu

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn (AX) — "The Biden administration just rolled out fresh rules to tackle the flood of bargain-basement shipments from China, especially targeting online retail behemoths Shein and Temu," the Associated Press reported. This new directive sets its sights on closing gaps in the "de minimis" exemption, which currently allows goods under $800 to bypass U.S. tariffs and extra fees. The changes could profoundly affect Chinese e-commerce firms banking on low-cost, direct-to-consumer shipping to snag a foothold in the…

Somalia’s Dilemma: Back Ethiopia’s Rebels or Pursue Diplomatic Solutions?

Somalia's Tough Choices: Rebel Support or Diplomatic Embrace? NAIROBI, Kenya - Somalia and Ethiopia have been navigating a venomous spat that, if left unchecked, could unleash chaos in the Horn of Africa, potentially allowing terrorist factions to slip through the cracks. Somalia claims Ethiopia has overstepped its territorial bounds by striking a deal with Somaliland, a self-proclaimed autonomous region of Somalia. According to the agreement, Ethiopia secures 20 kilometers of Red Sea access to erect a military base and…

Ethiopia Laughs Off Somalia’s Outrage Over North Western of SomaliaPact, Calling It ‘Ridiculous’

FILE - Nebiyu Tedla, Ethiopia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the African Union, speaks at a press conference in Addis Ababa. Another day in Mogadishu (AX) – Ethiopia's diplomat, Nebiyu Tedla, had a few choice words for recent statements made by Somalia's Foreign Minister, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi. Tedla called Fiqi's warning about Somalia potentially aligning with Ethiopian opposition factions, including the TPLF, downright "ridiculous." This friction emerged after Ethiopia cozied up to Somaliland, an autonomous region…

Al-Shabaab Launches Attack on Key Military Base Near Somalia’s Kismayo Port

Al-Shabaab's Big Move on Key Military Base North of Kismayo KISMAYO, Somalia — Just when dawn was cracking open Sunday, the militant group Al-Shabaab made a brazen move on a military outpost in Jana Abdalle, a settlement about 60 kilometers north of Kismayo, the bustling capital of Somalia's Lower Juba region. The assailants met their match as the Jubaland regional forces mounted a formidable defense, culminating in a fierce showdown that left casualties in its wake. Reports from the ground detail that the hostilities…

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