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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

The Théodore Monod Museum benefits from the reopening

In Dakar, the Théodore-Monod Museum reopened on May 18 after more than a year of closure linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. The museum has a rich collection of about 9,000 African works of art from about 20 countries. But it suffers from an outdated image, according to its curator. The long closure was therefore an opportunity to reflect on the improvement.…

In the spotlight: Emmanuel Macron talks to Africa

"Immigration, terrorism, colonization ... Macron's confidence in Africa", river interview granted JDD by the French president alongside his trip this week to Rwanda and South Africa. "Emmanuel Macron takes stock of his African policies. He particularly insists on the migratory consequences for Europe of a collective failure to reinvest massively in Africa ", writes JDD ... He" calls on Europe to erase part of the African…

teachers support students who are opposed

In Burkina Faso, the Federation of Education and Research Unions has supported students who have been fighting for several weeks against the reform of exams. The Ministry of National Education had announced reforms on BEPC and BAC degrees, including the abolition of a subject in certain subjects and the organization of bac which…

Sierra Leone: 20 years after the Civil War

Sierra Leone is a country best known for the civil war that raged between 1991 and 2002 and the infamous "blood diamonds". But Sierra Leone is also a country with a very rich ecosystem and many assets that are still too little known. White sandy beaches, crystal clear water, tropical forests, the country has the most beautiful coasts in West Africa. But this paradise has been forgotten by tourists for…

opponent Reckya Madougou was able to receive

French lawyer Maître Antoine Vey stood at the bedside of his client, opponent Reckya Madougou, this weekend in the civil prison of Missérété, on the outskirts of Porto Novo. as reported from Cotonou, Jean-Luc AploganThe opponent, failed candidate to Democrats party in the presidential election has been prosecuted for "criminal…

President of the transition Assimi Goïta at

The day after the statement from the Constitutional Court in Mali, according to which Colonel Assimi Goïta is now taking up the post of president of the transition, the latter left Bamako on Saturday to Accra in Ghana. He is taking part in the extraordinary summit of heads of state of the sub-regional institution. as reported…

Mali court names coup leader Goita as transition

Mali's constitutional court appointed the leader of the junta after the coup Colonel Assimi Goita as the country's interim president on Friday. The ruling provided that Goita would "exercise the functions of interim president to lead the transition process to its conclusion", following his takeover this week. The Constitutional Court said it had made the decision because of the "vacancy in the presidency" after the departure of caretaker President Bah Ndaw. Soldiers arrested Ndaw and Prime Minister…

Departure is not an option

May 25, as every year, was World Africa Day celebrating the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which became the African Union in 2002. This year, May 25 was also the day chosen for the launch in Dakar of the first edition of RASA, the Alternative Report on Africa. What's new with this report? In fact, number 1…

A puzzling texture … – The week of

What if Africa, from the point of view of law and democracy, had fallen thirty years later, for waiting and wallowing in a sweet deviation, for perfect democracy to fall from heaven or arise from heaven? savannah or forest? You ask yourself a question this morning: What's going on in Bamako? "Coup d'Etat in the coup," says…

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