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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

It is still difficult to trade in counterfeit drugs

Trafficking in counterfeit medicines in Africa has increased, especially since the 1980s. On 17 and 18 February 2020, the Lomé Declaration obliged seven countries on the continent to impose criminal sanctions to criminalize trafficking in human beings for substandard and counterfeit medicines. Last week, this topic was at the center of an online debate, initiated by the associations Les Afriques vous…

participation satisfies both camps

In Benin, nearly 5 million voters were called to the presidential election on Sunday, April 11. The largest opposition figures could not present themselves. The day after the election, several political camps reacted. With our special correspondent in Cotonou, Magali LagrangeThe day after first round of presidential elections…

French politicians at the helm

The trial of the bombing of the French military camp Bouaké in Côte d'Ivoire in 2004, which left ten dead (nine French soldiers and one American civilian), enters its third and final week on Monday before the Assize Court in Paris. The French politicians of the time will be heard as witnesses: Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and three ministers.…

Behind the scenes of the Niono agreement in Mali

This week, RFI offers you a series of four reports on the unprecedented ceasefire agreement reached on March 14 for a period of one month between the jihadists in Katiba Macina, linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and the Dozo fighters who confronted them. try to protect some villages, especially Farabougou, in the district of Nionos (region Ségou). The Malian state, which mandated the…

a first round without enthusiasm

Nearly 5 million voters were called to the polls this Sunday, April 11, in Benin for a presidential election against President Patrice Talon against Alassane Soumanou Djimba and Corentin Kohoué. Polling stations closed at 4 pm local time after a low turnout. At polling station number 5, in the EPP in Cadjehoun, the counting…

fish unfit for human consumption

Several fish have been found dead off the Ghanaian coast in recent days, the cause of which is unknown. In neighboring Togo, these fish are on the market in some cities near the border. The first recovered are currently seized and destroyed. as reported from Lomé, Peter Sasou DogbéThis is the meat of dolphins and smoked tuna…

Voting day in Benin for the first round of

The Benin people are called to the elections on Sunday for the first round of an already disputed presidential election. In addition to three candidates, including current President Patrice and the opposition, several of his candidacies were considered invalid by the Electoral Commission. .

PDCI celebrates its 75th anniversary and begins a reflection

The oldest party on the Ivory Coast celebrates its 75th anniversary. During the launching ceremony for the memorial service at the party's headquarters, Executive Secretary Maurice Guikahué and President Henri Konan Bédié insisted on the need to "question" the functioning of the governing bodies. as reported from Abidjan,…

resistance from the Guinean village of Kpaghalaye

Ebola has reappeared in Guinea since early 2021. 23 cases, including five deaths, have been reported in the Nzérékoré region, in the south of the country. In this forest of Guinea near the borders of Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire, the village of Kpaghalaye is resisting the intervention of the "response", the team responsible for fighting the epidemic. They have not been able to return there since the…

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