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East Africa

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In Madagascar, one died in the oppression of

Demonstrations by students who demanded their unpaid scholarships for nine months have degenerated in the southern part of the country, leaving one student dead and another seriously injured, according to the report from the gendarmerie on the spot. The arrears were paid out yesterday Monday after almost two weeks of demonstrations.…

Seven comedians were sentenced to prison

In the Comoros, seven people were sentenced by the Moroni court on Monday, June 21, to up to five years in prison after being arrested in connection with a demonstration against the Azali Assoumani regime on January 7, 2020. The sentences went well beyond what the prosecutor had requested. in his indictment and the minor crimes turned into attacks on public security. For the defendants' lawyers and…

Michelle Bachelet says she is “deeply concerned”

Temporarily, Ethiopia voted for the first time since 2018 when the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council opened in Geneva at the same time. And Tigray, a region in northern Ethiopia, was invited to the July 13 debates. as reported from Nairobi,Sebastien nemethThe Ethiopian authorities want to succeed in their choices at…

a two-speed vote between the regions and

In Ethiopia, local and national legislative elections were held on Monday, June 21, after being postponed twice. It's a real test for Prime Minister and favorite Abiy Ahmed. While mobilization was strong on the streets of the capital Addis Ababa, irregularities have increased in Ethiopian regions. as reported from Addis Ababa,…

Somalia trades fish for Ethiopian khat over trade deal

Somalia trades fish for Ethiopian khat over trade deal MOGADISHU, Somalia - After days of speculation, it is now official that Somalia will receive Ethiopian khat in exchange for fish, following the latest deal signed by senior officials from the two countries, which rekindled bilateral ties just two years ago. after decades of animosity. Since the Ogaden War, Somalia and Ethiopia have never…

International NGOs are challenging the EU

Twelve international human rights NGOs, including HRW, FIDH and even EurAc, expressed in an "open letter" published on Monday 21 June, their fears of seeing the EU get ready to resume direct support to the Burundian government . The Union's ambassador to Burundi announced on Monday 21 June in Bujumbura that this had just been recorded on the expert groups in the European organization.…

“Shoot to kill” orders issued in Kenya as US troops arrived for

NAIROBI, Kenya - Young people who engage, help or otherwise sympathize with Al-Shabaab militants in Kenya will be killed on the spot by security forces, a senior administrator said, in another statement that could spark a lively debate among politicians and human rights activists. Traditionally, those accused of engaging in violent extremism in Kenya often have access to justice, which includes a fair trial in the corridors of justice, with their fate often depending on the evidence submitted by the prosecution. But…

In the spotlight: Africa hit a third

"Against a global downward trend since the beginning of May, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated in Africa for the fifth week in a row. Africa Pointabove all. The trajectory of Covid cases in Africa is "very, very worrying", the WHO estimated on Friday, with the spread of more infectious variants and a dangerously low level of vaccination. According to data collected by the WHO, there were 116,500 new infections in Africa…

SFF blamed for Somalia’s loss to Oman in FIFA Arab Cup fixture

SFF blamed for Somalia's loss to Oman in FIFA Arab Cup fixture NAIROBI, Kenya - Somali Football Federation was blamed for the national team's loss to Oman on Sunday, in a match that showed quality glimpses for a team that rarely trains or plays fitness matches but is expected to compete with the rest of the world. Despite all the challenges, the team lost 2-1 to Oman, the latter becoming the…

Ethiopians go to the polls amid suspected atrocities in Tigray

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Voting began in various parts of Ethiopia in the first parliamentary elections following Abiy Ahmed's accession to prime minister, even as the country continues to grapple with a myriad of challenges, including but not limited to s 'to limit the conflict in Tigray. The National Election Council of Ethiopia postponed the 2020 elections due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but this decision was strongly opposed by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray , who had withdrawn his support for Prime…

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