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East Africa

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Somalia’s army kills 15 al-Shabab terrorists

The Somali military has killed 15 al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab terrorists in the central Galgaduud region, according to a statement issued on Sunday. An operation was carried out by Gorgor, the Somali special forces trained by Turkey, in the village of El Dhere, 15 kilometers south of Dhusamareb, the capital of the state of Galmuduug. In a brief statement on Twitter, the Somali army said dozens of al-Shabab terrorists were also injured in the operation. A large weapons cache was also seized during the…

Somali area raises funds for victims of atrocities in Tigray

Ethiopia's Somali region raises funds for victims of Tigray atrocities JIGJIGA, Ethiopia - Leaders from the Somali region of Ethiopia have launched a fundraiser aimed at raising funds for victims of atrocities in the Tigray region, as part of one of the latest humanitarian efforts to reduce loss of life possible due to hunger. In the past seven months, the Tigray region has been the scene of…

Tigray chief Debretsion Gebremichael leaves

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on the Ethiopian government and the Tigrayan rebels to put an end to a real ceasefire. The northern region of Ethiopia has been under the control of the Tiger Defense Forces (TDF) again since Tuesday, but fighting continues and humanitarian aid is virtually frozen. In this context, the Tigrayan leader Debretsion Gebremichael came out of his silence in an…

Former al-Shabaab deputy head begins starvation strike in Mogadishu

Former al-Shabaab deputy chief begins hunger strike in Mogadishu MOGADISHU, Somalia - Mukhtar Robow, the former deputy head of Al-Shabaab began his third day of hunger strike in Mogadishu on Saturday, which could spark further debate over his continued house arrest, more than two years after his arrest in Baidoa , the regional administrative capital of Southwest. A government source told…

consultation continues to form one

Discussions are continuing in Algeria with a view to forming a new government. President Abdelmajid Tebboune gave Prime Minister Aïmene Abderrahmane, who was appointed on June 30, a week. The announcement is expected at the beginning of the week. The first meeting of the new congregation is scheduled for Tuesday, July 6, and if all goes well, it will support the new team.…

Ethiopia’s Tigray disaster: insurgent resurgence questions Abiy

Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: rebel resurgence questions Abiy Ahmed Rebel capture of Tigray's capital Mekelle is a milestone in the eight-month conflict in northern Ethiopia, which has killed thousands and left millions in desperate need of food and other assistance. Will this be a turning point in the war? The Ethiopian government withdrew its troops after months of fighting, sparking celebrations…

the federal government suspends an LGBT social gathering

Madagascar's Interior Ministry interrupted an LGBT party in a bar in the capital to "undermine good morals" and "stimulate outbreaks", according to the protocol. A severe blow to society in a country that is hostile to sexual minorities. as reported from Antananarivo, Laure VerneauThis is the first time that an LGBT party has…

Ethiopian Human Rights Fee

In Ethiopia, the Human Rights Commission, independent but linked to the federal authorities, expresses "its deep concern" over the situation of civilians in the Tigray region and calls for "urgent measures to ensure their safety and security", in a rare press release published on Saturday 3 July . This institution, which is currently conducting investigations with the UN on crimes committed during the…

fictitious jobs cost the state 20

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), public finances are still not healthy. Following the resumption of the consolidation of civil servants 'census in April last year, Congolese Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Lihau confirmed at the Council of Ministers' meeting this weekend that the payroll lists of civil servants and agents for the State are full of duplicates, fictitious agents losing $ 240…

Report reveals how senior ministers concerned in unlawful fishing in

Report reveals how senior ministers involved in illegal fishing in Somalia NAIROBI, Kenya - A report released by Global Initiative has implicated senior Somali government officials in facilitating lucrative illegal fishing along the Indian Ocean coast, in what could spark a political storm in the country, which is already underway. electoral. The explosive report titled “Illegal Fishing in…

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