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East Africa

East Africa | Axadle | Somali English News Source, That, you can depend on. From, the expert view you can trust.

Al-Shabaab publicly executes elder by firing squad

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based al-Shabaab activists continued their spate of killings in parts of the country, targeting critics and suspected opponents, using brutal execution methods, which often prompted retaliation from residents and members of the international community. On Monday, the group executed Hassan Aden Ali, 44, a prominent alumnus from Hiran, central Somalia, using the deadly firing squad. It is not known why the activists targeted the elder and the group has yet to release a statement regarding…

Kenyan president of France to finalize key economic agreements

The Kenyan president arrives in Paris for a five-day visit to France. A business-oriented move. The head of state, accompanied by five ministers, attends a conference for the public investment bank, meets with French employers and signs contracts. Uhuru Kenyatta is accompanied by a strong delegation of ministers and is expected to attend several economic events. A conference at the headquarters of BPI France, the institution responsible for promoting French companies abroad, but also a meeting in Medef, the French…

Zimbabwe’s minister accuses opposition to arms smuggling

In tonight's edition: Zimbabwe's main opposition party dismisses the government's allegations that they are trying to smuggle weapons into the country. Rent control means that thousands of people in Cairo only pay a few euros a year for large apartments, but with landlords paying money, the buildings are overdue. And in Cameroon, the long-promised Yaounde-Douala motorway remains in its first phase.…

Kuwait mourns Arab veteran Emir Sheikh Sabah

KUWAIT - Kuwait's ruling Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah has died, his office said on Tuesday, plunging his country into mourning for a leader seen by many Gulf Arabs as a savvy diplomatic operator and a humanitarian champion. Sheikh Sabah, 91, had led the wealthy oil producer and US ally since 2006 and directed its foreign policy for more than 50 years. His designated successor is his brother, Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah. "With the greatest sadness and sorrow for the Kuwaiti people, the Islamic…

a plague on the economies of the African continent

Corruption, smuggling, tax evasion ... Capital flight would represent $ 88 billion a year in lost earnings for the continent. An estimate from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Unctad. According to the UN, the capital flight on the continent would represent $ 88 billion, but since this is illegal practice, it is an estimate. A rather low estimate even indicates Unctad. These $ 88 billion lost to African countries more or less represent what the continent receives each year if we add official…

Iftin Express denies allegations of support for the arms trade

BOSSASO, Northeastern State - A top Somali money transfer leader has refuted allegations of money laundering and facilitating the arms trade in the Horn of Africa country, days after the Global Initiative team l linked to professional misconduct and the illicit arms trade. The Iftin Express, based in the northern federal state of Northeastern State, dismissed the allegations as< fabrications >>, adding that the accusers had no evidence< de fond >> to link them to behavior, which violates various arms…

Internet interruptions during exams affect the economy

Authorities ordered the disconnection of 3G during the patent tests from Monday to Wednesday. No internet between 8 and at. 12 and in the evening between kl. 15 and at 19 universal time. According to the government, the measure is aimed at combating fraud, but the measure seriously affects economic activities across the country. Ahmed, in his thirties, manages a small money transfer agency between Nouakchott and the interior regions. Since Monday, its activities have stopped: "Due to internet shutdown, I had important…

Al-Shabaab attacks base of AU forces in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based al-Shabaab militants attacked a military base held by African Union mission forces on Monday, officials said, in the latest terror attempt to disrupt the peace and stability that has been courtesy of the troops, who have been in the mission for almost two decades. Officials said suspected members of the group attacked the Bula-Marer military base, manned by the Ugandan People's Defense Force. in the south of the country, triggering a violent shooting that lasted several hours…

US-trained Danab forces kill al-Shabaab militants in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Danab Special Forces killed Al-Shabaab militants in the fragile Lower Shabelle region on Monday following a fierce shooting, Somali Army chief Gen. Yusuf Rageh Odowaa said, adding that the latest The meeting was a huge achievement for the security forces. The army chief said at least seven al-Shabaab militants were killed by the US-trained Danab, adding that several others were wounded and were in the custody of security forces. He said the operation was aimed at those who have supported…

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