the strength of the army will double within five years

This is the decision taken by the highest military authorities, in particular the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, President Issoufou. In view of the incessant terrorist attacks, a new bill on the status of the army has just been adopted by the National Assembly, a charter that should improve the living and working conditions of soldiers.

as reported from Niamey, Moussa Kaka

The fight against terrorism demands, the strength of the Nigerian army will double in five years. According to statements by the Minister of National Defense, Issoufou Katembe, last Saturday in front of the national deputies, these figures will go from 25,000 at present to 50,000.

During the adoption of the new law on the status of the army, the Minister of Defense, President Mahamadou Issoufou, clarified the will to succeed in this effort to better meet the incessant terrorist attacks at the four borders with Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Libya.

In order to realize this commitment, measures are taken according to the Minister of Defense. These include, among other things, the multiplication of military training centers in the eight regions of the country to better train new recruits, the increase in the number of military officers and the establishment of training schools for non-commissioned officers. A staff school will also be open, it is said, in early 2021.

Other important innovations will be taken into account in the development of military careers. The Nigerian soldiers retire very young, 47 years old. With the new bill, they will be able to retire at the age of 52.


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