the federal government ensures that its college reform doesn’t

The conditions for the master’s exam have not changed, contrary to rumors that have led some students to demonstrate in the capital. The Ministers responsible for National and Higher Education clarified matters on Thursday 18 March in Ouagadougou.

as reported from Ouagadougou, Pedestrian Boudani

Following the creation of the new government and the roadmaps for the various ministries, it was said that it is now the Ministry of National Education and Secondary Education that was responsible for the organization of the bac. This led some students and parents to believe that it was now necessary to undergo a new test before entering public universities. The government has come out of its silence for a framing.

A few hours before the press conference, several students had left the classroom to demonstrate. These students were waiting for details on the reform of school exams. Alkassoum MaÏga, the Minister of Higher Education is categorical, the new reform has no impact on the value of bac.

“You will be told that the diploma you are awarded this year is always the first diploma for higher education. You will be told that there will be no competition because it is “CampusFaso”. We ask the student who wants to be a student to register to be a student and we will orient him according to these criteria. “

With regard to the diploma at the end of the first cycle, the graduates are no longer entitled to two subjects to choose from, but only one subject within history, geography and life sciences and earth sciences. And this for several reasons according to Stanislas Ouarao, the Minister of Secondary Education.

“The BEPC exam assignments are used for both the attached exams and competitions. That is, entry into the second, entry into the first year of BEP, entry into the first year of bac-pro as well as selection to enter scientific colleges, etc. As a result, educational principles require that all candidates undergo the same exams for the sake of for uniformity and comparability of results. “

The age limit for participating in the entrance exam for 6th grade is now from 14 to 16 years for any candidate who is regularly enrolled in a school or in an open candidacy for the sake of justice according to the Minister of National Education.


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