the desperation of cultural actors in the face of the Covid-19 crisis

In the context of an upturn in the Covid-19 cases, the authorities have once again closed performance halls and banned all concerts, dances and songs in bars and restaurants. Negotiations with the authorities in recent days have not been successful. A sit-in scheduled for Thursday, December 17 in Dakar has been canceled. The artists say they are “suffocated”.

as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idrac

At the exit of the prefecture of Dakar, the representatives of the Coalition of Music Actors have just submitted a new request for a demonstration next Wednesday. Daniel Gomes, coordinator of the movement: “We explained to them that it is a remote collection. It is more about raising awareness than going into a deviation. We can understand that we cannot galvanize our troops by saying to them, “Let us go and work as if nothing had happened.” Together with the Ministry of the Interior, we will monitor developments from day to day to find a solution to know what to do if we will not be able to work at all. ”

Musicians have sold their instruments

Because the holiday season is crucial for musicians, dancers, actors or managers. While activities have resumed in transportation, markets or schools where religious gatherings are allowed, cultural figures feel abandoned, according to Ngoné Ndour, head of the Prince Arts brand.

“In transport, people are much more vulnerable. We then do not understand that we can take measures so that people can participate in exhibitions without the disease spreading. If the situation continues, I will go bankrupt. There are many musicians who have sold their instruments. There are other cultural entrepreneurs who are bankrupt. It’s a disaster! “

A cry from the heart to “save the culture” but in the face of the increasing number of cases, the Ministry of the Interior is currently inflexible. The Ministry of Health has announced 115 new cases and three new deaths linked to the coronavirus. Senegal has so far registered 355 deaths from the disease


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