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West Africa

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Nana Akufo-Addo was re-elected with 51.59% of the vote

The outgoing Ghanaian president Nana Akufo-Addo was re-elected in the first round, according to preliminary results announced on Wednesday night in Accra by the election commission. The head of state won against his rival John Dramani Mahama with 51.59% of the vote against 47.63%. Nana Akufo-Addo was re-elected on Wednesday,…

Burkina Faso’s mining trade was singled out for corruption

REN-LAC, the nationwide anti-corruption community, is holding its fifteenth anti-corruption day this week. This yr, this Burkinabè civil society group has chosen to debate corruption within the mining sector. From mining concessions to customs controls, corruption is alleged to be in any respect ranges within the sector, in…

On the front page: drama about illegal immigration

"Doudou Faye loved the dream of becoming a professional footballer in Europe. He died in October last year, points out the daily 24 Heures, in the water of the so-called secret emigration. The teenage tragic case has aroused emotions and outrage in Senegal and abroad. His father had paid 250,000 FCFA to a smuggler. ”He and two other fathers were found guilty in February by the court in Mbour, 80 km from Dakar, of…

10,000 people have died in custody since 2011

In a 67-page report published on Tuesday, December 8, Amnesty International Nigeria is concerned about the fate of elderly people exposed to violence from Boko Haram and the Nigerian army in the state of Borno in the northeastern part of the country. This report describes the double punishment of this population persecuted by jihadists and victims of army abuse. A population completely invisible, according to this report entitled "My Bleeding Heart: The Lives of the Elderly Facing Conflict, Expulsion and Detention in…

the function and priorities of the Transitional National Council

In Mali, the Transitional National Council is provoking many protests, but despite this outrageous political sequence, CNT was installed last weekend. The last body for the transition will play the role of National Assembly during this period, which should lead to the organization of general elections. An ad hoc committee is already responsible for preparing the rules of procedure, the work can then begin. Its members are not elected; with this remarkable difference "the CNT will function as a National Assembly, in…

the result of the legislative and presidential elections is delayed

Ghana is still awaiting the verdict. The announcement of the results of the legislative and presidential elections was postponed on Tuesday night by the election commission, while the two main candidates for the highest office are already claiming victory. They waited for results that did not come. Ghanaian voters remained stuck in front of soap operas of regional bills announced in small quantities. And while partial figures came from the sixteen regions of the country, the capital Accra remained silent, but the…

lifting of the blockade by opponent Maurice Kamto

The president of MRC Maurice Kamto can move freely. The government decided on Tuesday to lift the blockade around his home, a few days after the regional election contested by the opponent was held just over two months ago. as reported from Yaoundé, Polycarp EssombaIt was at the end of the morning on Tuesday that the news…

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