a previously elected official who went to the opposition

A local Guinean official, who passed from the ruling party to the opposition, was sentenced on Thursday, July 9, to three years and four months in prison for “insulting the head of state”, after declaring that only weapons could drive Alpha Condé out of power. The condemnation of opponents has recurred in Guinea since the controversial re-election of President Condé in October 2020.

as reported from Conakry, Moktar Bah

The RPG’s defector, the power, against the UFDG, the main formation of the opposition against President Alpha Condé, Ismaël Condé was sentenced to prison on Thursday and for his lawyer, the reason for this conviction is clear: Béavogui. He had just joined the defense of the constitution, he had just joined the defense of democratic change in our country. This is the biggest crime he had to commit! We want to use justice at all costs and for purely political reasons to keep him in prison. ”

After his conviction, the opponent had time to drop a few words to the head of state’s address: “My opposition to the President of the Republic is not at the level of his physical person. What opposes me today to him are democratic principles and values ​​that we have all drawn in the recent past. Mr Excellency, President of the Republic, if it happened through my publications on social networks that I insulted you, insulted you, it is not at all an expression of a manifest will. I repent and offer you my sincere apologies for these insults and crimes. ”

Ismaël Condé is in prison for the tenth month and for the rest of the trial, which he considers very political, he says he trusts the decision of his lawyers.


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