are they independent in favor of the president

Independent candidates came second in the June 12 parliamentary elections. They won 78 seats out of 407 in parliament. But are those who won for President Tebboune rolling?

The broad participation of young independents was encouraged by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune in several of his speeches. The Election Act has been amended to make it possible for persons under 40 to stand for re-election. The Algerian state has provided financial support to young independents to encourage them to take the step. During their pre-election speeches, many of them reaffirmed their support for the “New Algeria” program promoted by the Head of State.

Several analysts claim somany officially independent lists – 1200 against 1080 lists from political parties – was actually created by the regime. It must be said that the traditional parties are at the end of their rope. According to Djamel Maafa, an independent candidate, the breakthrough of these candidates can be explained by “a blatant weakness of the political class” and by parties “at the end of their lives”.

Candidate Chatouane Djelloul, who is exhibiting his photo with the Algerian president, is happy for his part. His list of Hos Hos al Matine, which presents itself independently, has acquired 11 seats in parliament.

Several observers finally condemn “closed elections.” The choice of law took place under oppression and the boycott generally followed, which led to one reconciliation protocol in the history of Algeria.

Read also: Legislation in Algeria: FLN wins a vote marked by a strong vote


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