Turkey’s Intelligence Chief Travels to Libya During Ongoing Political Stalemate

Turkey’s Intelligence Chief Makes a Strategic Visit to Libya Amid Political Turmoil

In a notable diplomatic move, Turkey’s top intelligence officer embarked on a mission to Libya, where supporters of the Tripoli administration grapple with a political deadlock. This impasse has not only halted the nation’s oil exports but also threatened four years of relative calm.

According to a Turkish security insider, Ibrahim Kalin, the head honcho of Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (MIT), met with Prime Minister Abdulhamid al-Dbeibah and other key figures last Thursday.

Dbeibah leads Libya’s U.N.-recognized Government of National Unity, which enjoys Turkey’s backing. Kalin articulated Ankara’s aspirations for resolving the ongoing strife in Libya “through national accord and for the de-escalation of tensions to persist,” the source revealed. He further emphasized Turkey’s unwavering commitment to preserving Libya’s unity and harmony.

In a move reminiscent of historical support, Turkey dispatched military forces to Libya back in 2020, aiming to bolster the Tripoli-based government against the rival forces of eastern commander Khalifa Haftar. Kalin’s visit marks the most significant interaction between the two nations since Dbeibah’s trip to Ankara in late May, occurring during a tense period as competing Libyan leaders struggle to ease the political strain following the recent ouster of long-serving central bank chief Sadiq al-Kabir.

That central bank plays a crucial role, managing funds sourced from Libya’s oil exports, which constitute the backbone of the country’s economy. As tensions escalated, factions from the east threatened an all-out halt to oil production, insisting that the dismissal of Kabir be reversed. This act of defiance jeopardized the hard-won tranquility that Libya has tenuously held since 2011. The country experienced fragmentation into eastern and western factions around 2014, underscoring its complex political landscape.

This situation continues to evolve, with the future of Libya hinging on the outcomes of these high-stakes interactions.

Reporting by Ece Toksabay and Tuvan Gumrukcu; Editing by Daren Butler

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