Sudan: RSF Accused of Gruesome Civilian Slaughters

Sudan: RSF Under Scrutiny for Civilian Massacres

SUDAN – Once again, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) face allegations of civilian killings in Sudan, further straining relations with the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and drawing global condemnation.

The U.S. slammed the RSF for allegedly killing defenseless locals in Wad_al_Noura, Gezira state. Trustworthy sources confirm that the mayhem on June 5 led to over 100 fatalities and numerous injuries.

The State Department has urged the RSF to instantly adopt a ceasefire and emphasized the necessity for the team to answer for its deeds. The statement also noted that both RSF and SAF should safeguard innocent lives.

“It is crucial that the RSF halt these assaults immediately and ensure those responsible for civilian murders face rapid accountability. Both RSF and Sudanese Armed Forces must safeguard civilians and hold any internal perpetrators of war crimes or breaches of the Jeddah Declaration accountable,” the statement declared.

“Attacks on Sudanese civilians must cease at once. This war’s toll is counted in tragic civilian deaths, mass dislocation, severe hunger, rape, torture, and ethnic purges.”

“The US demands the reopening of ceasefire talks, an end to any obstacles to aid delivery, and a return to civilian rule long sought by the Sudanese.”

The U.S. rebuke echoes a June 6th declaration from the UN Secretary-General’s spokesman. António Guterres condemned the attack and called on all factions to avoid further violence that could harm civilians or damage infrastructure.

RSF and SAF have been at odds for two years since the military overshadowed the transitional government. The country had been jointly managed by both entities post-Omar el-Bashir’s ousting in 2019 after massive civilian protests.


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