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US Secretary of Defense defends airstrikes in Somalia in opposition to Al-Shabaab

US Secretary of Defense defends airstrikes in Somalia against Al-Shabaab WASHINGTON - US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said on Saturday that US airstrikes targeting al-Shabab in Somalia over the past few days were undertaken because Somali forces are stepping up their offensive against the al-Qaida-affiliated terrorist group. “More recently what has happened is that our partner forces have…

Sudan ‘defends’ Ethiopia towards second filling of Grand Renaissance dam

Sudan 'defends' Ethiopia against second fill of Grand Renaissance Dam as Egypt expresses concerns NAIROBI, Kenya - Khartoum authorities may have changed their minds over controversial Grand Renaissance dam infill along the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, which could give the conflict a new dimension. A Sudanese official said on Sunday that no drop in the water level of the Blue Nile had been detected…

Somalia defends its relationship with Djibouti

Somalia defends its relationship with Djibouti MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali federal government has cleared doubts that her relationship with Djibouti may have been severed, following a series of incidents involving Mogadishu and Djibouti, in particular Kenya's strained relationship with the Horn of Africa. In February, a Djibouti committee sent by IGAD freed Kenya from alleged interference in…

General Namata, commander of the G5 Sahel Joint Force, defends Barkhane Force

Nigerian General Oumarou Namata, commander of the G5 Sahel Joint Force, was in Paris on Wednesday, December 2. RFI could meet him exclusively. General Namata assures us that the joint force, three years after its creation, has now reached maturity in the fight against armed terrorist groups. If the military presence in the Sahel becomes international with the gradual arrival of the European Takuba…

About 235 million people worldwide need emergency aid by 2021, warns the UN

A global need for humanitarian aid has risen to unprecedented levels this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN humanitarian office said on Tuesday, as the outbreak has exacerbated the risk of many famines threatening many continents, in addition to global conflict challenges, forced migration and the effects of global warming. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimated in its latest annual global humanitarian survey that $ 35 billion would be needed for aid in 2021,…

the government defends its employment and youth policy

In Senegal, the issue of irregular emigration was widely discussed during the government's press conference on Tuesday, November 24 in Dakar. While the NGO Alarm Phone spoke of 480 migrants dying at sea in a week at the end of October, Interior Minister Antoine Félix Diome has still not provided details on the number of victims. On the other hand, various ministers defended the government's policy of…

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