Somalia’s Army Sees Imminent Victory Over Al-Shabaab Extremists

Somalia army declares ‘victory’ over Al-Shabaab just around the corner

MOGADISHU, Somalia – Brigadier General Madey Nurey Sheikh, the deputy commander of the Somalia National Army (SNA), asserts that by June’s end, the armed forces will have vanquished Al-Shabaab insurgents. He commends the military’s exceptional readiness.

SNA forces have been collaborating tightly with the US Africa Command and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to combat Al-Shabaab. Despite this, the militants still maintain control over vast rural territories in central and southern Somalia.

The commander indicated that the SNA is primed for a final offensive against Al-Shabaab, with numerous regions freed from their grip. Preparations for the second wave of operations are on the brink of commencement.

“We’ll obliterate Al-Shabaab by the end of June,” proclaimed Brigadier General Madey Nurey Sheikh. “All our troops are stationed at the front, awaiting the command to begin the assault,” he added.

Last year, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud established a deadline of one year to expunge the Al-Qaeda-affiliated faction from the nation, seeking to conclude the protracted 17-year conflict. Upon taking office for his second term, he announced an all-out ‘war’ on Al-Shabaab.

The initial offensive phase targeted regions within Hirshabelle and Galmudug states, resulting in approximately 3,000 militant casualties. Logistical hurdles delayed the rollout of the second phase in Southwest and Jubaland.

Somalia has escalated its campaign against the group, shuttering several mobile money transfer enterprises and freezing bank accounts tied to the militants. Websites and social media platforms broadcasting Al-Shabaab propaganda have also been neutralized.

In a separate incident, Northeastern State state authorities detained three Al-Shabaab operatives last night in a premeditated sting within Bosaso, Northeastern State’s commercial hub. Officials confirmed that the suspects will face trial in court.


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