Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Implements Bold Changes in Ethiopian Cabinet

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, has reorganized his cabinet amidst ongoing conflicts. The reshuffle affects key roles in Defence and Irrigation. Aisha Mohammad now heads Defence, and Abraham Belay is now in charge of Irrigation and Lowland.

Mohammad Indris is now the Minister of State at the Coordination Center for Democracy Building. These changes are effective May 21, 2024, announced by the Office of the Prime Minister. Abiy Ahmed took office in 2018 and has become a key leader in the Horn of Africa.

Ayisha Mohammed, the first woman Defence Minister appointed by Abiy, has had a varied career. Abraham Belay, the only Tigrayan native in Abiy’s cabinet, has experience in key positions too.

Aisha’s new role is crucial as Ethiopia’s troops return from Somalia’s ATMIS mission. Meanwhile, Ethiopia and Somalia are at odds over the controversial agreement with North Western of Somalia. Ethiopia seeks land for a naval base in exchange for recognizing North Western of Somalia.

The reshuffle comes at a critical time for Ethiopia’s leadership and regional relations. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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