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WFP Utilizes Proactive Measures to Lessen Flooding Consequences in Somalia

From high above Beledweyne, Somalia, flooded streets paint a picture of devastation. The UN World Food Program (WFP) announced the successful execution of a proactive plan to minimize the impact of El-Nino-induced floods in Somalia. Implemented across Baardheere, Luuq, Jowhar, and Beledweyne, the pre-emptive strategy aimed to safeguard lives and livelihoods. The WFP, in collaboration with partners, revised and enhanced early warning systems for flood risks, ensuring dissemination to the communities before, during, and after…

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Implements Bold Changes in Ethiopian Cabinet

Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, has reorganized his cabinet amidst ongoing conflicts. The reshuffle affects key roles in Defence and Irrigation. Aisha Mohammad now heads Defence, and Abraham Belay is now in charge of Irrigation and Lowland. Mohammad Indris is now the Minister of State at the Coordination Center for Democracy Building. These changes are effective May 21, 2024, announced by the Office of the Prime Minister. Abiy Ahmed took office in 2018 and has become a key leader in the Horn of Africa. Ayisha…

Revolutionizing Maritime Security: Mogadishu Adopts Comprehensive Approach

The most recent in a series of maritime security workshops organized by IMO was held under the EU-funded Regional Programme for Maritime Security in the Red Sea Area (Red Sea Project). During the seminar, participants learned about the importance of collaboration among various government departments and agencies using IMO's model for a whole-of-government approach to maritime security. They discussed different scenarios, roles, responsibilities, processes, and procedures with the aim of enhancing cooperation for routine…

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