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East Africa

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The previous Somalia president says he returned the stolen public

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A former Somalia president has introduced that he has returned the cash he believes was unjustifiably stolen from the federal government within the newest dramatic assertion that might the nation's struggle in opposition to corruption, which appears to be gaining momentum in latest months after high-profile beliefs. Ali Mahdi Mohammad, 81, mentioned in a uncommon interview that he returned public cash, which he stole from the federal government over 5 a long time in the past on the age of 20, in…

Eritrean president visits Ethiopia one week after host

ADDIS ABABA - Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki has launched into a three-day working go to to neighboring Ethiopia on Monday morning on a visit that comes lower than every week after internet hosting Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo as he seeks to strengthen bilateral ties within the Horn of Africa. For the previous two years, Isaias Afwerki has taken the mantle of the older statesman from the area and has usually centered on enhancing commerce ties between the international locations throughout the Horn…

Al-Shabaab militants killed in assault at police station in

MOGADISHU, Somalia - At the very least two Al-Shabaab militants had been killed in Jalalaqsi on Saturday night time after an assault on a police station, officers stated within the escalating wave of violence fueled by militants wreaking havoc throughout the nation within the Horn of Africa. Officers stated the militants in dozens attacked a police station within the Somali metropolis, resulting in a fierce shootout with Somali police manning town that lasted for a number of hours, resulting in casualties as a…

A number of SNA troops deployed in conflict-exposed Gedo after

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A contingent from the Somali Nationwide Military was deployed to the porous Gedo area of Jubaland over the weekend, reviews have emerged following complaints of alleged brutality met with locals by the Kenya Protection Forces working in Sector II of the African Union Mission Forces. The KDF workforce is stationed within the area, which additionally has a robust presence of the Ethiopian nationwide protection forces. working carefully with SNA. The Kenyan troops are working with Jubaland's…

Abdallah Hamdok speaks against the United States in the face of sanctions

In an interview with the Financial Times published on Sunday, October 11, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok struck his fist on the table. The head of government accuses the Americans of "paralyzing" the country's economy and keeping it on the blacklist of countries that support terrorism and even hamper its democratization. For the Sudanese Prime Minister, to keep his country on US blacklist is unfair. Not only because it is more than 20 years since Osama bin Laden was expelled from the country - it was the fact…

tension at its height at the state’s highest peak

Nothing is right between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Vice President, William Ruto. In the background already: the next presidential election in 2022. If the campaign has not yet started, the supporters of the two camps have already been involved in a relentless struggle for several months. Violence is already breaking out between the opposing clans. The stability of the country may be compromised. as reported from Nairobi, Sunday is Mass Day. Who says mass says political gatherings. On Sunday, Raila Odinga, former…

Trump seeks to place COVID-19 behind him, get again to the election

WASHINGTON - Donald Trump is now not a transmission danger for COVID-19, his physician mentioned late Saturday because the U.S. president tries to place his battle with the coronavirus behind him and return to marketing campaign fraud. Trump, adopted by his Democratic challenger Joe Biden in opinion polls, spoke to supporters from a White Home balcony Saturday afternoon. He referred to as on a crowd of lots of of largely black and Latino supporters to assist get out of the November 3 election. His physician Sean…

Five militants killed in joint operation in southern Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali National Army (SNA) backed by southwestern state forces killed five al-Shabab militants on Saturday in a joint operation in Dinsor, a town in the south of the Bay, an official said. The forces launched an attack on bases operated by the militants in the city following complaints from locals, said Shine Mayow, commander of southwestern state forces in Dinsor. "The extremists isolated the locals in Dinsor and blocked all roads leading to the city. Our forces later conducted an operation to…

In Madagascar, women are paying a high price for the crisis caused by Covid-19

Malagasy women pay a high price for the economic and social crisis caused by Covid-19. This is the observation of the CNFM, the National Council of Women in Madagascar. The organization, which brings together associations from across the country, warns of the situation of many Malagasy women who are already insecure and who have clearly worsened since the coronavirus pandemic: job losses, deteriorating…

The IMF is sounding the alarm about the economic consequences in Africa

The International Monetary Fund held a virtual meeting on Friday, October 9, on the impact of coronavirus in Africa in the presence of its CEO Kristalina Georgieva. According to the latter, economic support released in recent months is significant, but it remains insufficient to help the continent emerge from the crisis. According to the IMF chief executive, the institution has already released nearly $ 26 billion this year. This is ten times more than what the IMF releases on average each year for loans. But the needs…

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