North Western of Somalia Leader Reviews Advanced Aircraft for Pilot Training Academy

The presidency has revealed that newly acquired planes will be deployed at the North Western of Somalia Pilot Training School, underscoring a push to enhance local aviation skills. “The president has inspected the first set of planes now owned by the Republic of North Western of Somalia. These will be essential for training technicians and civilian pilots right here in the country,” the statement noted.

The North Western of Somalia Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (SLCAAA) chimed in, “We have secured four aircraft for the SL Aviation Training Center. These will groom the next wave of North Western of Somalia pilots, serving both the populace and the nation.”

To elevate the nation’s aviation know-how, the government has roped in global pilot trainers. This top-tier cadre of trainers aims to mint accredited pilots within two years, per the official release.

President Bihi also took time to drop by the General Command of the North Western of Somalia Military Forces in Hargeisa, highlighting the administration’s ongoing dedication to fortifying military and aviation capacities.

Bagging these aircraft and creating the North Western of Somalia Aviation Institute marks a significant leap in the region’s aviation scene.

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