tensions in the northwestern part of the country before the election

The security climate is tense in the Central African Republic nine days before the election on 27 December. Raids by gunmen and gunfire have been reported in several cities in the northwestern part of the country since this morning. A worrying situation in Bangui where security has been strengthened.

From our special correspondent in Bangui,Florence morice

It was very early this morning that the situation deteriorated in several places in the northwest. In Bozoum, witnesses report seeing dozens of armed men arrive in motorcycles and four-wheel drive vehicles and then staying in town for a few hours before continuing their journey towards Yaloke, where gunfire was reported. Like in Bossembele where witnesses talk about “heavy weapons cracking” in the city.

At the end of the day, they were more distant. The identity of these armed men is uncertain. The priest in Bossembele talks about a “motley collection” of men who speak French, some Sango and others Arabic. He also explains that they came to his parish to try to settle there and ask for supplies before giving up the helicopter. Minuscaflying over the area.

No communication from the authorities

Tonight, several witnesses assure that some of these armed men are still in the city, visible, while a second group has taken the road to Boali further south. According to our information, they do not attack the population. The Central African authorities have not communicated the situation.

Regional and international diplomatic efforts are under way to try to calm the situation, while security in Bangui, the capital, has been strengthened at several strategic points in the city.


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