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Ethiopia: a landslide in the southern region of the country

Catastrophic Landslide in Southern Ethiopia Claims Lives Catastrophic Landslide in Southern Ethiopia Claims Lives On July 22, relentless downpours triggered a devastating landslide in southern Ethiopia, causing the tragic death of at least 229 individuals. This preliminary count, disclosed by local officials a day later, could potentially increase as rescue operations continue. The natural disaster struck hard, leaving communities in ruin and echoing a grim warning on the impacts of extreme weather.…

Soldiers attack judges in Kelo, in the south of the country

It is an announced program with startling actions against the Chadian judges, these are not random facts. It was well thought out, designed to strike at the existence of the judiciary in this country. We do not intend to let it go, we are determined to ensure that the judiciary is respected. We are holders of a power, they want us. The military they interfere in our attributions because they themselves believe they have weapons, but they have a certain number of powers, but the judges who are…

The United States is elevating its voice and threatening to exclude the nation

After ten months of battle in Tigray, Washington is once more elevating its tone concerning Addis Ababa. The United States is threatening to take away Ethiopia from its record of privileged buying and selling companions - generally known as Ago - if Ethiopia doesn't finish human rights abuses in that province. A menace with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai in half phrases throughout an interview…

Ethiopian spy chief vows to wipe out Tigray forces from the nation

NAIROBI, Kenya - The Director of Ethiopia's National Intelligence and Security Service Temesgen Tiruneh vowed to crush the Tigray protection forces , which continued to shut in on Amhara and Afar territories, additional complicating the Tigray War. The intelligence chief has additionally stepped up the tough criticism towards foreign nations he accused of saving the TDF. He didn't, nevertheless, point out the nations he suspected of serving to the Tigray rebels. In a press release on Facebook, Temesgen, who was the…

much of the country is deprived of water

Much of Libya has been without water for a week already. The source of this shortcoming is that an armed group in the water supply center ceases to demand the release of a man who was previously close to the ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi. This is Abdallah al-Senoussi, a former interior minister and Gaddafi's brother-in-law.…

President Kaïs Saïed is still alone at the helm of the country

In Tunisia, more than three weeks after taking temporary power, the President of the Republic, Kaïs Saïed, has not yet proposed a roadmap or a new head of government, but he continues the messages and sharpens the tone against corruption and political parties. as reported from Tunis, Lilia blaiseIt is a status quo that remains…

Eritrea is the only African country that refuses

Eritrea is the last country in the world, along with North Korea, to refuse vaccination against Covid-19. In fact, in recent days, Tanzania and Burundi have agreed to the vaccine with the help of the international community. However, the continent is far behind in vaccination campaigns. With the launch of the vaccination…

Germany, the first country to return bronze

For this first episode of a series on the restoration of African works of art, go to Germany. After years of blockade, the country changed its position at the end of April regarding the restoration of African works of art and could therefore be the first to return Benin bronzes to Nigeria. as reported from Berlin,The colonial…

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