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East Africa

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Delft Showdown: Somali Youth Murdered, Pregnant Woman Wounded in Crossfire of International Shop Rivalry

In Cape Town, the Delft Community Policing Forum struggles to monitor shootings at informal shops. After the killing of a Somali man and the injuring of a pregnant woman in Abardare Street, N2 Gateway, the situation is concerning. According to police spokesperson FC van Wyk, the circumstances surrounding the shooting are being investigated. The victims were found inside a shop with gunshot wounds, one person was fatally wounded, and the other was taken to a medical facility. The motive for the attack is unclear, and the…

Exclusive Interview with Groundbreaking Somali Filmmaker, Mo Harawe, Delves Into Cannes Debut ‘The Village Next to Paradise’:…

The Cannes Film Festival makes history with Mo Harawe's debut feature 'The Village Next To Paradise,' a groundbreaking Somalian film. Harawe, born in Mogadishu, moved to Austria to study film at 18. His film follows a single father in a Somali village, exploring daily challenges and striving for a better future for his son, Cigaal. The story also revolves around Araweelo, navigating life post-divorce. The film stars Ahmed Ali Farah, Anab Ahmed Ibrahim, and Ahmed Mohamud Saleban, depicting a unique side of Somalia rarely seen…

Northeastern State President Deni Asserts Readiness for Arbitration, Rejects Coercion

In Garowe, Northeastern State President Saeed Abdullahi Deni expresses willingness to engage in dialogue and arbitration concerning its relationship with the Somali government. However, he firmly states that Northeastern State cannot be coerced into compliance. Deni accuses the federal government of continuous meddling in Northeastern State's internal affairs, seeking to exert influence. He alleges that there is an ongoing conflict between the federal government and Northeastern State. "We must respect each other's…

Norway, Ireland, and Spain Officially Acknowledge Palestinian Sovereignty

Israel has summoned envoys from three European countries while recalling its own ambassadors. Norway, Ireland, and Spain will recognize a Palestinian state, showing support for statehood in territories Israel controls. Israel fiercely criticized the decisions and pulled its ambassadors from the three countries. Over 140 countries support a Palestinian state, and the recent announcements could lead to more momentum, pressure, and criticism for Israel. Norway, one of the non-EU countries, backs a two-state solution and…

Revolutionary Development Initiative Unveiled by Somalia Through Nationwide Discussions

Somalia's NTP 2025-2029 will replace the National Development Plan (NDP-9) starting Jan. 1, 2025. The prime minister emphasized that the NTP signifies a new era of governance in Somalia. This plan focuses on utilizing resources and people's skills to achieve sustainable development. "The NTP showcases an innovative approach that emphasizes practical actions and real change for our nation's improvement." "This strategy aims to develop specific plans to invest in agriculture, fisheries, livestock, roads, bridges, ports,…

Al-Shabaab Fighters Handed Down Justice by Somali Military Tribunal

A military tribunal in northern Somalia's state of Northeastern State has sentenced four members of Al-Shabaab, highlighting the country's determination to defeat the group. The court imposed a death penalty on Mohamud Mohamed Qayliye for his role in assassinations in Bosaso, the largest city in Northeastern State. Al-Shabaab has long sought to launch attacks in Northeastern State. Three other militants received prison terms ranging from 3 to 15 years, while one was acquitted. Military courts are a reliable source of…

Northeastern State President, Deni, Slams FMS Leaders’ Illegitimate Term Extensions in Somalia

President Deni of Northeastern State strongly criticized the extension of term limits for leaders in Federal Member States. He emphasized how this practice undermines the rule of law and erodes public trust in the political process, neglecting the importance of conducting timely elections. In contrast, Deni praised the people of Northeastern State for their commitment to holding presidential elections every five years as scheduled. He highlighted the recent successful election on January 8, 2024, as a testament to the…

Saudi Arabia Celebrates European Acknowledgment of Palestinian Statehood

Saudi Arabia is pleased with European countries' acknowledgment of Palestine as a state. The endorsement from Norway, Spain, and Ireland is a significant step towards a fair peace agreement in the Middle East. This decision aligns with the global belief in Palestinian self-determination. The recognition by these European nations reflects the worldwide consensus on the Palestinian people's right to determine their future. Saudi Arabia urges other countries to follow suit, paving the way for a secure and lasting peace for…

Turkey Takes Initiative to Construct Embassy for Somalia in Ankara

Turkey is planning to construct Somalia's embassy in Ankara, with a price tag of $6 million. This agreement was reached in 2022 and highlights the strong relationship between the two nations. In 2015, Somalia generously donated a plot of land to Turkey, resulting in the construction of Turkey's largest diplomatic mission worldwide in Mogadishu. In return, Somalia will receive land in Ankara's Incek diplomatic site. After completion, Somalia will have the option to sell the land and building in the future. This move has…

Somali President’s Advisor Criticizes Northeastern State Leader’s Failure to Participate in Constitution Negotiations

Somalia's Constitution Adviser, Hussein Sheikh Mohamud, called out Northeastern State's leader Said Abdullahi Deni for prioritizing his own agenda over negotiations. Speaking on a local TV station in Mogadishu, Mohamud pointed out that Northeastern State lawmakers in the federal parliament supported constitution amendments, contrasting with President Deni's opposition. Mocking Deni for allegedly listing MPs’ names on his hand, Mohamud questioned his knowledge of government affairs and challenged him to show any objections…

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