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East Africa

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Somali, Kenyan ministers in ‘cordial’ phone call amid diplomacy

Somali, Kenyan ministers in 'cordial' phone call amid diplomatic fallout NAIROBI, Kenya - Relations between Mogadishu and Nairobi could improve dramatically following a rare phone call involving two high-ranking ministers, charged with settling diplomatic issues, who have typically taken Somalia and Kenya to a crossroads. For almost a year now, Somalia and Kenya have been at loggerheads, their…

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed campaigns in UN vehicle amid suspected genocide

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed campaigns in UN vehicle amid suspected genocide in Tigray ADDIS ABABA - In one of the most unprecedented gestures, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was photographed in a United Nations-owned vehicle while campaigning, ahead of the general election on June 21, which could spark a debate on the UN's commitment to end the war against the Tigrayans. Over the…

New research assesses the effects of mobile money service on small and

New research assesses effects of mobile money service on small and medium-sized businesses in Somalia To disseminate the newly discovered knowledge among researchers and the public, the Research and Development Center of SIMAD University organized a forum for disseminating research results at the Primo Palace. Ustad Abdinor Ali Mohamed, Principal Researcher and Lecturer at the Faculty of…

Biden to send US special forces to Somalia at war with Al-Shabaab

Biden to send US special forces to Somalia at war with Al-Shabaab WASHINGTON, United States - A contingent of US military special forces could be sent to Somalia in the coming weeks, it has been learned, just weeks after former President Donald Trump withdrew soldiers serving in the war-torn country. war. A proposal by President Joe Biden, which was seen by The New York Times, suggests the…

The United States was able to return troops to

According to the US press, the Pentagon is considering sending several dozen special forces to fight the Islamic Shebab terrorists. A decision that would abolish the sudden return of the 700 US troops permanently based in Somalia, until former President Trump decided on a total withdrawal in January. as reported from Nairobi,…

Uganda: tourism recovery threatened by

In Uganda, the recovery of the tourism sector this summer was threatened by the new outbreak of Covid-19 cases in the country. Tourist agencies, which see that their reservations increase for the months of July and August, fear the same situation as last year, when the airports remained closed from March to October 2020. In…

Tigray conflict: the “One stop” center is fighting

In Ethiopia, the conflict in the north has been going on since November. By the end of three weeks, the federal government had declared victory, but the fighting continued. The war has claimed thousands of lives. But rapes are also very numerous. Report in one of the only centers in Tigray that handles cases of sexual violence. Onestop center, in Mekele, the regional capital.…

The Arab League shows its support for Egypt and

The Arab League's foreign ministers gathered in Doha, Qatar on Tuesday for an extraordinary summit. In addition to the summit, a meeting was held, at the request of Sudan and Egypt, on the great Ethiopian Renaissance dam, the second filling phase of which will begin next month. And the member states have spoken unanimously in support of Khartoum and Cairo and for UN intervention.…

Félix Tshisekedi meets Yoweri Museveni

Congolese and Ugandan presidents Félix Tshisekedi and Yoweri Museveni met at the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda on Wednesday, June 16. A meeting with a strong financial interest, but also a security meeting. The two heads of state begin renovation work on the roads that connect the two countries.…

Eritrean troops in Tigray will soon leave Ethiopia

Eritrean troops fighting Ethiopian forces in a war against the Tigray region's volatile leaders "will definitely leave soon," Ethiopia's UN ambassador said Tuesday in a move that would be welcomed by many including the UN, whose humanitarian chief accused the Eritreans of using hunger . as "a weapon of war." The war in Tigray was the subject of an informal closed-door meeting of the UN Security Council in which Chief of Staff Mark Lowcock warned that more than 350,000 people were starving, with deaths…

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