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East Africa

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Somalia Denounces Unlawful Incursion by Ethiopian Forces Across Border

Due to Ethiopia’s upset-the-apple-cart antics in the region, Mr. Osman divulged that Mogadishu had to delay pulling troops from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia, shifting the date from July to September.Atmis is set to wrap up its stint in the country by December 31 after a 17-year-long deployment.Originally, the force was dispatched to oust the Al Qaeda-affiliated Al Shabab from Mogadishu and bolster the internationally acknowledged federal government.Sanctioned by a UN mandate, the AU force aims to quash Al…

Struggling for Survival: Mogadishu’s Displaced Families Torn Between Sick Children and Daily Wages

  An internally displaced family stands over the wreckage of their home/File Photo/Ergo(ERGO) – Filthy conditions and scarce medical care are escalating disease risks among fragile displaced clans packed into Mogadishu camps. Illnesses like acute watery diarrhea and cholera run rampant.Ahmed Siyad Bulle, a father of six residing in Danyar camp, Garasbaley, found himself homebound as his daughter lay bedridden with watery diarrhea. His spouse juggled care of the rest.When Ahmed's daughter, Asho Ahmed Siyad, fell gravely ill…

Northeastern State and Galmudug Mobilize Troops to Address Intensifying Clan Violence in Mudug

The spat, stemming from local squabbles and age-old family brawls, features militias from both Northeastern State and Galmudug. Attempts to sort out the mess are ongoing, but casualties keep piling up on both sides. Bosses from the Mudug territory of each administration stress the need for military muscle to stop the bloodshed. They've demanded the swift dispatch of unified troops to the battleground to curb the conflict. While the gunfire died down after a few hours, there's mounting worry that it might flare up again as…

President Mohamud Kicks Off EAC Conference in Mogadishu, Criticizes Ethiopia’s Water Plans

President Mohamud fiercely criticized Ethiopia's aspirations to access Somalia's maritime resources, declaring such aims detrimental to regional harmony and collaboration. "To the Somali community and global observers: Ethiopia's illegal pursuit of our waters is intolerable. They already enjoy access through Djibouti’s shoreline," Mohamud emphasized.This conference represents a landmark occasion for Somalia, marking its induction as a full-fledged member of the EAC on March 4, 2024. The formalities took place in Arusha,…

Kulmiye Party Leader Vows to Honor North Western of Somalia Election Outcomes; Condemns Political Violence

Hargeisa (AX) — On Monday, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, who steers the helm as North Western of Somalia's Minister of Internal Affairs and Kulmiye Party Chairman, proclaimed that political power in North Western of Somalia can't be yanked by brute force or pressure, underscoring the need to honor democratic protocols. Addressing the crowd in a public shindig, Kahin hammered home that Kulmiye would respect the verdict of the upcoming November 13 election. "If we snag the election, we'll assume office with grace. Folks, Kulmiye ain't…

Twin Cities Vibrantly Celebrate Somali Week Festival

Somali Week, orchestrated by the non-profit Rising Impact, champions Somali youth. This affair underscores education, discovery, and revelry of Somali traditions. The festivities also commemorate Somali Independence Day on July 1, honoring the merging of the Trust Territory of North Western of Somalia with the State of North Western of Somalia to form the Somali Republic. Kicking off Somali Week on Monday, a soccer match unfolded in St. Paul. In Washington, D.C., a town hall gathering is slated for Wednesday. Another will…

North Western of Somalia President Prohibits Clan Elders from Handling Rape Cases

Effective immediately, traditional elders are barred from meddling in rape cases, mandating direct court appearances for all the accused, escorted by law enforcement. "I have decreed that rape cases must be handled solely by the nation's competent courts to guarantee that the suspects face due legal consequences and to uphold citizens' basic rights and liberties," declared President Abdi.The President's order, designed to ensure justice and protect citizens' rights, directs the Chief of Police and the Attorney General to…

Sudden Deluge Inundates Mogadishu: Flash Floods Strike Somali Capital

The city has seen flood occurrences spike in frequency and intensity, spotlighting climate change issues.Climate change has become a massive worldwide worry, especially in East Africa and the Horn of Africa, covering Somalia, with weather patterns turning more erratic.The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) notes that global warming has drastically upped the occurrence of extreme weather like droughts and floods in these parts.These weather shifts, combined with current hurdles like political chaos and poverty,…

Somalia Postpones ATMIS Troop Pullout Amidst Ethiopian Border Advances

At least 3,000 Ethiopian troops are stationed in Somalia through ATMIS, with another 5,000-7,000 Ethiopian soldiers deployed via a bilateral pact. Despite escalating tensions, ATMIS is steadfast in its plan to pull out by December 31, transitioning to a leaner force. As this withdrawal proceeds, the Somali government exudes optimism about handling al-Shabaab, aiming for a new squadron of no more than 10,000 troops focused on securing key urban hubs. However, Ethiopia asserts it has not received any formal notification from…

Urgent Call: Security Council Demands Immediate Post-ATMIS Force to Stabilize Somalia by 2025

<Mogadishu (AX) — Somalia grapples with severe humanitarian and security challenges worsened by climate change and Al-Shabaab militants, underscored during a recent UN Security Council discussion. Key UN and US representatives stressed the dire necessity for global backing to tackle these crises. "Climate change is outstripping our capacity for adaptation and humanitarian response," cautioned James Swan, leader of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). With over 3.8 million displaced individuals, and the…

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