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Central Africa

Central Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

President of the Congo-Brazzaville: Anguios

Voters in Congo-Brazzaville are called to the polls this Sunday, March 21, for the presidential election. The outgoing Denis Sassou-Nguesso seeks his own legacy. RFI is giving the floor all this week to the seven candidates and their representatives. Tonight we close this series with Anguios Nganguia Engambé, President of the Party of the Republic (PAR). He answers Laurent Correau. .

personal bishops for election statement to

We do not understand this refusal. A church that is present in the country and that is an important part of civil society. We do not understand. They ask that there be a specific receipt for election observation. We have never spoken, we do not know a single case that an NGO has a receipt for election observation. All this surprises us and we ask many questions. We want to know a little more. Félicien Mavoungou, National Coordinator of the…

enchantment to Kalev Mutondo, former head of

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, double arrows by Alain Atundu, the last intelligence chief under Mobutu Sese Seko. The first is launched against the Congolese state, which is prosecuting Kalev Mutondo, the former director general of the dreaded National Intelligence Agency (ANR). He is accused by former detainees of torture, arbitrary detention, inhuman treatment and attempted murder. The second…

After his assembly with Idriss Déby, Succès Masra

In Chad, one of the rising stars of Chadian politics Succès Masra, president of the Transformers Party and one of the most virulent critics of President Idriss Déby, has been on the defensive since his surprise meeting with the head of state. A good portion of his followers even accuse him of treason. Yesterday, Masra success…

the general public power voted calmly

A few tens of thousands of soldiers, police and gendarmes went to the polls yesterday, Wednesday 17 March in Congo-Brazzaville. They voted in advance and will be broadcast from Thursday, March 18, in the centers they will secure during the general vote on March 21, according to authorities. The opposition and civil society did not appreciate this early vote, a first experience attempted by the country.…

DRC: air pollution in Somika district of Lubumbashi

In Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hundreds of residents of the attached municipality on the outskirts of the city condemn the mining activities of the mining company Katanga Somika. In 2005, the same company had already been accused by several NGOs of contaminating the water table in Kimilolo, where a station from the drinking water distribution company is installed.…

expelled by Brazzaville, mining corporations

On March 13, Congo-Brazzaville awarded the Chinese Sangha Mining Development the exploitation of three iron deposits in the north of the country. These mining permits were first awarded to three companies linked to Australian interests before the Congolese government took them back in November and angered the miners. They are threatening the Congo with lawsuits and demanding billions of dollars in compensation. The case could lead…

at the least 4 useless in lethal floods

Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was again hit by floods on Tuesday after heavy rain fell there all morning. At least four people have died in the floods. And in several neighborhoods, residents woke up with their feet in the water in a city that is expanding more and more. as reported from Kinshasa,…

Karthoum speaks for a sq. mediation

The Sudanese Prime Minister has asked an international "quartet" to take the lead in the dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over the filling of the Renaissance dam. The second phase of filling the reservoir is to begin next summer. This appeal is above all a sign of the closer bond that now unites Khartoum and Cairo towards their opponent.…

the electoral authority happy with

In the Central African Republic, Sunday's legislative elections took place peacefully. There was no major security issue that many feared. Of the 118 constituencies called to vote in the second round or in the partial one - which were prevented from voting on December 27 - 112 were able to vote correctly. as reported from…

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