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Central Africa

Central Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

The head of the UNHCR in the DRC with refugees

The head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Filippo Grandi arrived in the country on Tuesday, April 20. On Wednesday, it went to an area cut off from the world, in northern Congo-Kinshasa, where almost 100,000 people who fled violence in the Central African Republic have sought refuge since December last year. On the ground, living conditions are difficult while the UNHCR sees…

the opposition condemns a coup

Following the death of Idriss Deby and the establishment of a military council in Chad, a "transitional charter" providing for the repeal of the constitution was published for a few hours on the Presidency's website before its withdrawal. Sources close to CMT explain that this was not the correct version. On the opposition side, representatives of the main parties met this morning and they condemn a…

the blur surrounds the conditions of death

How did the Marshal of Chad die? According to the army, Idriss Déby died with his arms in his hand as he tried to fire up the frontline rebels for change and conformity in Chad. A hypothesis confirmed by our colleagues from Jeune Afrique. But the versions of the exact circumstances differ. More than 24 hours after the…

arrest of a former Minister of Education

A former Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was arrested on Tuesday, April 20, in Brazzaville. An arrest at the request of the authorities in his country who suspect him of embezzlement of public funds. as reported from Brazzaville, Loïca MartialWilly Bakonga, the outgoing Minister of Education of the…

Chad names Deby’s son president as rebels threaten

Chad's assassinated leader Idriss Deby Itno's son will take over as president instead of his father, according to a charter released by the presidency on Wednesday, while rebel forces targeted the state's capital N'Djamena and threatened to disrupt a country more vital. international efforts to combat extremists in Africa. According to the presidency, General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, 37, who was appointed transition leader on Tuesday as head of a military council after his father's death, will…

African history: Chad, from independence to

Considered one of the cradles of humanity, the state of Chad has a rich history. This huge country with a very dry climate is located in the heart of the continent, on the borders of North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. But since independence was proclaimed on 11 August 1960, the country has often been forced to face armed uprisings as well as the repercussions of tensions in neighboring countries.

Ndjamena threw herself into insecurity after death

In Ndjamena, a lead-up atmosphere reigned on Wednesday, April 21, the day after the announcement of Idriss Deby Itno, the president since 1990. The city is deserted and residents are torn between grief and anxiety. With our correspondents in Ndjamena, Aurélie Bazzara and Madjiasra NakoThe capital woke up on Wednesday at the dawn…

Chad: Opponent Saleh Kebzabo calls for “union

Saleh Kebzabo was minister during Idriss Deby's presidency in the late 1990s, before becoming one of his main opponents for the past two decades. He had chosen to boycott the presidential election on April 11, which he described as an "election finding". He is a guest at RFI. .

Kinshasa and Kampala do not agree

The Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda will meet again and for ten days before the International Court of Justice. In 2005, the UN Court of Justice had already declared Uganda guilty of interference in the Eastern DRC, occupied by the Ugandan army between 1998 and 2003. Kinshasa and Kampala should have agreed on the amount…

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