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Central Africa

Central Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

the hardening of the doctors’ strike does

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, social discontent in the medical sector is increasing. Doctors who are members of the three main unions in the public sector have decided to radicalize the strike. They are not happy with the government's response to their demands. They demand a regulation of the administrative situation for about 5,000 of their colleagues, in addition to an increase in the salaries…

national tribute in Parliament to the Cardinal

In the gallery we find Presidents Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Denis Sassou-Nguesso of the Congo-Brazzaville, along with a whole crowd of officials and faithful. Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo serves for this exceptional mass. He took the opportunity and explained how it was necessary to hire a man from this church who has worked so hard for democratization in his…

On the front page: Morocco and Pegasus, get around, there is nothing

Morocco is involved in the investigation of Pegasus' spy program. Yesterday Monday we were surprised by the absence of the subject in many Moroccan media, yes we can be calm! 360 has rectified the situation and has since started a real demolition company: "Espionage: Morocco again in the heart of a soap opera that is science fiction", we read further website. It is certain that the 17 international media that publish the…

the party’s anger together for the republic

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, relations between activists or leaders close to Moïse Katumbi and those of President Felix Tshisekedi have become complicated due to the proposed "consolation" law. They are further deteriorating following the arrest of the National Intelligence Agency last Sunday by Jacky Ndala, president of the youth union of the Ensemble pour la République, Moïse Katumbi's…

Three months after the establishment of the CMT, where i

Three months after the start, where is the transition in Chad? As soon as Idriss Déby's death was announced on April 20, the military set up the Transitional Military Council, which would lead this 18-month transition. The Transitional National Council is still expected, as is the inclusive dialogue, which raises questions about how the deadline should be met. The…

three months later, what we know about death

Three months ago, at the end of the morning on April 20, the Chadians learned on national radio and television of the death of the head of state, Idriss Déby, who had been in power for thirty years, and the establishment of a military council. one of his sons, responsible for an 18-month transfer. What do we know today about the circumstances of his disappearance?…

between CMT and the African Union, three months

After systematically sanctioning all countries where there has been a coup in recent years, the African Union made an exception for Chad. Following the takeover of the Military Transitional Council (CMT) three months ago, on April 20, the AU highlighted exceptional circumstances surrounding this coup. But since then, CMT's relations with AU have been strained.…

The IMF validates established financing program

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Minister of Finance and the resident representative of the International Monetary Fund will be seen on Monday 19 July. The opportunity for Gabriel Leost to officially inform Nicolas Kazadi about the decision of the IMF Board to validate a jointly established program. With our special…

feelings after the big ones

Players from the Red Star Ndongo Club, the nickname "Africa", who won the African Club Cup in the 1970s, died in the most complete poverty and caused many reactions in Bangui. After finishing his career, it was difficult for him to find a job. In recent years, he has lived on the solidarity of those around him. Sick, he had initiated appeals to help him pay for his care.…

arrest of Jacky Ndala, President of

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, there is still no conviction between pro-Katumbi and pro-Tshisekedi under the proposed "consolation" law that could ban access to the president's office and other sovereign functions. People who do not have a Congolese father and mother. The text is strongly questioned by Moise Katumbi's party, which has even threatened to leave the ruling coalition. For those…

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