Somalia Approves Arrival of Egyptian Forces, Marking a Pivot Away from Ethiopian Military Influence

MOGADISHU, Somalia – In a noteworthy pivot, Somalia’s government has given the nod for Egyptian forces to step into the shoes of Ethiopian troops in the forthcoming African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM), following a significant security agreement inked in August.

Villa Somalia has thrown its support behind Egypt to spearhead AUSSOM, prompting Egypt to send preliminary teams to aid the Somali National Army (SNA), focusing on strategic routes often disrupted by the notorious Al-Shabaab militants.

The groundwork is being laid to deploy the initial official group after President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud convened a summit with Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Eritrean leader Isaias Afwerki.

Somalia has expressed opposition to Ethiopia’s involvement in the new mission due to perceived breaches of its territorial rights. Grumblings have arisen over Ethiopia’s dealings with North Western State of Somalia concerning Red Sea access, leaving Somalia less than pleased.

Aiming to establish a footing in the region, Egypt has readied weapons and sent military advisors and elite Commando squads as forerunners, despite disapproval from some Troop Contributor Nations, namely Uganda. It should be noted that the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) mandate is set to conclude by December 2024.

Egypt is eyeing to lock down its plans by the stipulated deadline of December 31, which Somalia’s administration set for the Ethiopian retreat. While Somalia asserts its authority to choose the mission team lineup, Ethiopia insists African Union protocols must be adhered to.

Nonetheless, sightings of Egyptian commandos alongside Somali National Army officers on key supply lines previously under Ethiopian control suggest Somalia is resolute about replacing Ethiopian forces, especially in Southwestern regions and Jubaland, insiders revealed.

Since Egypt initiated arms deliveries to Somalia, Ethiopia has countered by dispatching an extra 7,000 troops to fortify its position in Somalia, defying Somali authorities’ calls for a pullout.

Ethiopia has aired concerns about the potential rise in regional tensions following Egypt’s arms support to Somalia, yet Cairo maintains the actions are consistent with the defense agreement in place, emphasizing its commitment to aid Somalia in battling Al-Shabaab insurgents.


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