Egypt and Saudi Arabia Pledge Commitment to Somalia’s Security and Stability

“The Egyptian Presidential Spokesman threw a post onto the official social media scene, sprinkling news hot off the press about the recent gabfest between Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince and PM, Mohammed bin Salman, and Egypt’s big cheese.”

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi played the welcoming committee at Cairo’s bustling airport for the Crown Prince, treating him like royalty as he stepped onto familiar soil in Egypt. Taking the princely guest by the arm, El-Sisi led him over to the Ittihadiya Palace, where they rolled out the red carpet with all the bells and whistles.

In the realm of world affairs, the two powers vowed to keep the lines buzzing to safeguard peace and stability on a global scale. They swapped insights on sizzling topics at both the local and international fronts, voicing a mutual zeal to ramp up collaboration by leaps and bounds.

Concerning Somalia, the duo nodded approvingly at the headway President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has made in restoring peace and getting the place shipshape. They shook hands on the need for the global community to rally behind Somalia’s mission to kick terrorism to the curb.

Both parties gave a thumbs up to the UN Security Council’s thumbs-down on the arms embargo on Somalia. Likewise, they rolled out the welcome mat for new developments in debt relief for Somalia from global creditors. Reinforcing the Arab League’s recent decision, they echoed calls for Somalia’s stability, unity, and sovereignty, preaching the good word of respect, patience, and neighborly behavior to keep the region from slipping into hot water.

Saudi Arabia tipped its hat to Egypt’s efforts to keep Somalia’s nationhood intact and expressed appreciation for Egypt’s readiness to chip in on the rebooted peacekeeping mission, a move geared toward giving the Somali populace a little hope and peace.

As for Yemen, unity was the name of the game for both sides, as they rooted for the Presidential Leadership Council. They also put a spotlight on the draw for international aid in shaping a political fix for Yemen, ensuring its nation’s solidarity. Egypt recognized the Kingdom’s push for dialogue among Yemeni factions and bolstering aid efforts, spreading compassion to Yemen’s bends and curves.

Saudi Arabia tossed Egypt heaps of praise for cooling down regional frictions and supporting full-circle peace initiatives catering to the Yemeni people. Riding the same train of thought, they emphasized the need for the Houthis to hop on board the peace express and take peace offerings seriously.

Turning their gaze towards the Red Sea, both countries underscored the need to keep this economic artery flowing smoothly. They stressed the necessity of mitigating any threats that might disturb this regional lifeblood or global commerce.

The spotlight shifted to Libya, where both voices rallied for a homegrown resolution and a UN-chaperoned political road map enshrining simultaneous presidential and legislative voting. They shouted from the rooftops the need for unification of Libyan state institutions, particularly its army, and waving goodbye to foreign forces tarnishing Libya’s landscape, pensively eyeing its people’s dreams for a prosperous tomorrow.

Edited by: Ali Musa

Axadle international–Monitoring

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