Borrell of the EU Warns of an Imminent War in Lebanon

The situation between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon has escalated to a level that resembles outright warfare, according to the European Union’s chief diplomat.

Josep Borrell expressed grave concerns, stating, “This situation is extremely perilous and alarming. We’re teetering on the brink of full-scale war,” during a briefing with journalists.

He further emphasized, “If this isn’t a war scenario, I’m not sure how else to describe it,” referring to the rising civilian casualties and the ferocity of military operations.

The Israeli military recently launched a series of airstrikes targeting Hezbollah positions, which resulted in the deaths of 492 individuals. This marked one of the bloodiest days in Lebanon’s recent history, displacing tens of thousands of people in their desperate quest for safety, as reported by local authorities.

Borrell highlighted the heavy toll that civilians are enduring, underscoring the critical need for diplomatic initiatives to avert a full-blown conflict. “Now, while we are in New York, is the opportune moment for action,” he insisted. “Everyone must utilize their full capacity to steer away from this pathway toward war.”

In a parallel development, France has called for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council to address the situation in Lebanon, following Israel’s substantial cross-border offensives which have escalated after nearly a year of skirmishes with Hezbollah.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot stated, “I have requested an emergency session of the Security Council regarding Lebanon this week,” while addressing the UN General Assembly. He urged all parties involved to “avoid a regional conflagration that could be catastrophic for all concerned, particularly for civilians.”

On the American front, a high-ranking official from the U.S. State Department indicated that the United States does not endorse the escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah along the border. The official mentioned that Washington is set to engage in discussions regarding “tangible solutions” with its allies to prevent the conflict from worsening.

Israeli officials contend that the recent surge in airstrikes targeting Hezbollah’s strongholds was intended to compel the group toward a diplomatic resolution. However, the U.S. official, who spoke with reporters in New York on the condition of anonymity, contested this Israeli narrative. They asserted that the Biden administration’s priority is “to soothe tensions and break this cycle of retaliation.”

Reflecting on past conflicts, the official remarked, “I can’t recall a time recently where an escalation ultimately led to meaningful de-escalation and a stabilizing effect on the situation.” When asked if this represented a divergence from Israel’s position, the official acknowledged with a nod.

As the conflict spirals around Israel’s northern frontier with Lebanon, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is closely monitoring developments during the UN General Assembly this week. The official affirmed that Washington has “specific proposals” aimed at preventing a wider war and is actively seeking a way to ease the growing tensions.

“We’re expanding our discussions to formulate practical steps that stand a genuine chance at mitigating tensions and gaining actual progress,” the official elaborated.

When questioned about whether the United States suspects Israel is gearing up for a ground invasion of Lebanon, the official refrained from providing a clear-cut answer. “We certainly do not think that a ground invasion of Lebanon would help in alleviating regional tensions,” they concluded.

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