Somali Prime Minister Reaffirms Ethiopian Forces’ Withdrawal by December 2024

Baidoa (AX) — Somali Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre confidently assured that Ethiopian troops will exit Somalia by the end of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) in December 2024.

While visiting Baidoa this week, Prime Minister Barre emphasized the government’s commitment to national security and guaranteed that al-Shabaab would not be able to capitalize on the troop withdrawal. The federal government has formulated a robust post-ATMIS strategy to secure the nation without foreign military presence.

“Seven thousand ATMIS soldiers have already departed from Somalia, and Somali forces have taken up the mantle in those territories. Have you heard of any regions that al-Shabaab seized back after AMISOM troops left? No. We urge the Somali populace to place their trust in us—we are safeguarding their security, and we won’t let al-Shabaab storm in and attack them,” Barre declared.

However, the pullout of Ethiopian forces has sparked a heated debate, with both the Southwest and Jubbaland states opposing the federal government’s decision, fearing it may compromise security in their areas.

Complex relations between Somalia, Ethiopia, and North Western of Somaliahave also come under strain following Ethiopia’s contentious agreement with North Western of Somaliafor Red Sea access, which Mogadishu deems an affront to its sovereignty.

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