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East Africa

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opposition parties and some elected officials boycott the senatorial election

In Madagascar, about thirty opposition political parties met on Friday 25 September at the Panorama Hotel in the center of the capital Antananarivo. Among them the TIM party of former President Marc Ravalomanana and the HVM of the outgoing head of state Hery Rajaonarimampianina. The latter rejects the holding of the senatorial election on 11 December 2020. An election that they consider constitutional and hasty, especially because several municipalities do not have large voters, and because validation of the executive…

United States-trained forces recapture strategic Somalia town

MOGADISHU, Somalia - U.S.-trained Danab forces recaptured a strategic city in the hostile Lower Shabelle region on Friday, officials said in a statement, in a huge success against the militants, who wreaked havoc on the nation of the Horn of Africa in recent years. Reports indicate that the military team under the command of Danab, a contingent of the Somali National Army , stormed Mubarak's region in Lower Shabelle and successfully flushed out the militants, who controlled the key city which is a major supply…

Al-Shabab says they executes spy agent and soldier in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Al-Qaeda ally in Somalia, Al-Shabab claims to have publicly executed two men on Friday afternoon accused of spying for a regional intelligence agency and a soldier in the Hiran region, in the center of the country. The terror group announced the killings on its affiliated online media, claiming they were carried out by a firing squad in a public square in the strategic town of Buq Aqable, an al-Shabaab stronghold in the state. federal government of HirShabelle. The two men - Abas Mohamed accused of…

Somali parliament to vote on new electoral deal

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's parliament votes today on an electoral deal reached between President Farmajo and the leaders of the country's federal states on September 17 in Mogadishu following discussions under pressure from the US embassy. The political deal is expected to gain support from MPs in both lower and upper houses, with sources indicating that First Vice President Abdiweli Mudey is against the pact and is campaigning for the amendment. If the deal passes, the government, together with the federal…

The hero from ‘Hotel Rwanda’ admits they have formed a militant group behind armed attacks

Paul Rusesabagina, the polarizing hero from the hit film "Hotel Rwanda", admitted in a court in Kigali on Friday that he had helped form an armed group, but denied any role in its crimes. Rusesabagina is famous for his portrayal of Don Cheadle in the 2004 film, in which a moderate hutu is shown saving hundreds of lives in a luxury hotel during the 1994 genocide, leaving about 800,000, mostly Tutsi, dead. However, a more complex picture has emerged since he appeared in Kigali under arrest under mysterious circumstances…

The UN supports the new Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The United Nations has welcomed the appointment of Mohamed Hussein Roble as the new Prime Minister of the federal government of Somalia, which has struggled with stability, over 30 years after the ouster of military leader Siad Barre, who ruled the country for two decades. In July, the Somali parliament fired Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire, claiming that after months of negotiations, he had not prepared for a one-person-one vote. Khaire served in the office for three years, the longest period ever…

Al-Shabaab militants attack intelligence base in central Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based Al-Shabaab militants on Wednesday attacked a base occupied by the National Intelligence Security Agency , officials said in a statement in the recent raid, which still shows the group's ability to launch sophisticated operations against the government. Al-Shabaab has struggled to overthrow the fragile UN-backed Somalia government, which has been under siege for the past few years, but their efforts have often been thwarted by security forces. Al-Shabaab announced allegiance to Al-Qaeda…

One killed in the Al-Shabaab bombing in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - At least one person was killed in Somalia on Wednesday, reports show, after a massive explosion on the outskirts of Afgoye city, located 30 kilometers northwest of Mogadishu, the still bustling Somali capital that has been the center of al-Shabaab attacks in the recent years. Police reports indicate that a grenade was thrown at a pet market on Wednesday by suspected Al-Shabaab militants, leading to the death of a person, in an incident that further questions the country's preparedness in the fight…

Somalia: Deni visits southwest by historic Mogadishu deal

BAIDOA, Somalia - Relations between Puntland and Southwest received a major boost on Wednesday after Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni visited his counterpart Abdiaziz Lafta-Gareen, who has been in charge for the past few years in the southern Somali federal state. On Wednesday and in the company of senior officials, Deni, who has been at the helm since 2019, arrived in Baidoa, the regional administrative capital of the Southwest, and was received by senior officials waiting for him at the airport. This is the…

Khaire meets Qoorqoor in Mogadishu after announcing the president’s bid

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire has continued his "diplomatic" missions across the country, more than 50 days after he was unusually hounded from office, following disagreements with Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who was accused of constructing his ouster. Khaire, who served as prime minister for longer than any of his predecessors, was ousted from parliament, citing, among other things, the failure to implement the one-on-one election model backed by several international…

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