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East Africa

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“Device”, the new password at CAF after

Patrice Motsepe was elected by Acclamation President of the African Football Confederation (CAF) on March 12, 2021 in Rabat. CAF members now seem determined to unite behind their new leader to fix an institution in great difficulty, especially financially. From our special correspondent in Rabat,Patrice Motsepe was well…

the South African Patrice Motsepe elected president of

Patrice Motsepe was elected by the Acclamation President of the African Football Confederation (CAF), on March 12 in Rabat, for the period 2021-2025. The first South African to hold this position succeeds billionaire Malagasy Ahmad, suspended for 2 years from all football-related activities. Patrice Motsepe became the 7th elected president of the African Football Confederation (CAF) on March 12, 2021. The billionaire is the first South African and first English speaker to occupy this prestigious position on the continent.…

United States to send envoy to Horn of Africa

United States to send envoy to Horn of Africa WASHINGTON - The United States is in the process of deploying an envoy to the Horn of Africa, a region that has struggled with instability in recent years after a series of political differences and economic challenges that have threatened to plunge many countries into chaos. For example, Ethiopia faces a life challenge in the Tigray…

in Madagascar, tightening of measures

Faced with the easing of the population in terms of barrier movements and the resurgence of the epidemic throughout the territory, especially in the center and north of the country, the National Gendarmerie has just announced the resumption of old regulations decided by the Ministries of Interior and health. It is clear, social distance, sanctions for not wearing a mask and above all the obligation to bury the dead from Covid or suspected of having died by Covid at their place of death. A hard blow to the Malagasy people,…

Washington ranks Mozambique’s shababs in

On Wednesday, March 11, the United States designated the ADF, the allied democratic forces active in the DRC, and Daesh Mozambique as "foreign terrorist organizations" and "specifically designated global terrorist groups". These classifications, which include their respective leaders, Seka Musa Baluku and Abu Yasir Hassan, have resulted in a number of sanctions.…

Somali troops receive COVID-19 jab under KDF

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Thousands of soldiers affiliated with the Somali National Army will be administered with the COVID-19 vaccine, Kenya's defense chief has said, just a week after the East African nation received a shipment of the vaccines from Europe. COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc in East Africa, where Kenya has so far registered more than 1,500 deaths. Somalia may have fewer cases, but the fact that health infrastructure is almost dysfunctional may have many people getting or dying from the undetected virus.…

Somalia’s outgoing president receives credentials

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Wednesday received a new envoy from Britain amid speculation about his legitimacy after the end of his term on February 8, leading to the current political stalemate. The resignation of Farmajo's mandate has given rise to concern about the country's future, and the broadcast that presented her credentials on Wednesday may be subject to questioning as Farmajo does not have legitimacy in accordance with the constitution. "It is unfortunate that the new…

The United States continues to press

While Addis Ababa, but also Moscow and Beijing, reiterate that the conflict in the province is an "internal affair", the head of US diplomacy Antony Blinken has unveiled Washington's idea of ​​more action. Company to intervene in the conflict. When a parliamentarian asked him on Wednesday about the possible deployment of peacekeepers to Tigray, Antony Blinken did not rule out the idea. For him, above all, the Eritrean forces and the Amhara militias must leave and then be replaced by a force that "will not commit acts of…

Somalia declares three days of mourning after death

Somalia declared three days of mourning for former Somali President Ali Mahdi Muhammad, who died of the coronavirus, the country's current president Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, better known by his nickname Farmajo, announced on Thursday. The Somali flag will fly at part-time staff for three days to show the Somali people's grief over the loss of Muhammad, who died late on Wednesday at the age of 86, the government said. "I would like to extend my condolences to his family, friends and the Somali people…

The President of Jubaland meets with the US Ambassador to

Jubaland president meets with US ambassador to Mogadishu MOGADISHU, Somalia - Firebrand Jubaland's President Ahmed Madobe held a closed door meeting on Wednesday with US Ambassador Donald Yamamoto in the Halane connection in Mogadishu on Thursday. "We discussed the political dead end and found a way to address some of the challenges facing the electoral process," Madobe said after…

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