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In search of the missing from the Algerian war

Sixty years ago, the Evian Agreement was signed by representatives of the French Government and those of GPRA, the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic. The next day, the ceasefire was established, eight years after the start of the war, and the…

fear of a food crisis due to the war in

Following Covid-19, the Russian invasion of Ukraine poses a serious threat to the agricultural sector and the food supply of millions of people in Nigeria, especially in Lake Chad, which has been affected by the Boko Haram uprising for more than a decade. .…

ENDF condemns troopers “working with” TDF as Tigray battle takes form

ENDF condemns troopers "working with" TDF as Tigray battle takes form ADDIS ABABA - Conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray area seems removed from over, following current disciplinary motion in opposition to quite a lot of Ethiopian nationwide protection forces , after days of army trial within the Horn of Africa nation. According to the Addis Ababa Standard, the southern command army court docket has…

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