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UN Raises Concern Over Stagnation in Global Childhood Vaccination Rates

Stagnation in Global Childhood Vaccination Rates Alarms Health Experts The global momentum for childhood vaccinations has come to a standstill, with millions of children missing essential immunizations compared to pre-pandemic levels. This unsettling trend has the United Nations sounding alarms about potential disease outbreaks, especially measles. In 2023, the United Nations reported that 84% of children, translating to 108 million kids, received the crucial three doses of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP)…

Advocacy for vaccination of Merkel during her time

Angela Merkel convened again, on Friday 27 August 2021, a meeting of the "Compact with Africa", an initiative that brought together twelve countries launched after the German Presidency of the G20 2017. If we previously spoke mainly about economics, the meeting has this time took place in hybrid form and was particularly devoted to the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccines. It was also for the German Chancellor…

vaccination open to all adults

South Africa opened vaccination this weekend for all adults. The country continues to register almost 13,000 new cases of coronavirus per day and only 8% of the population has so far been fully vaccinated. as reported from Johannesburg, Claire BargelèsAlthough 72% of South Africans surveyed in a study at the University of…

Ebola vaccination begins at Cocody University Hospital

Vaccinate and track, this is the mission that the Ivorian health authorities carried out before the discovery of a case of Ebola in Abidjan. This is a cause for concern, but the Ministry of Health very quickly set up an action plan to vaccinate healthcare staff who take care of the patient as quickly as possible. as reported…

Eritrea is the one African nation with out

Eritrea is the only country on the African continent that has not yet started vaccinating its citizens against COVID-19 as part of a national campaign. According to national media reports, after the vaccination campaign started in Tanzania on July 28 and Burundi announced that it would also vaccinate itself, Eritrea is now the only country on the continent that has not planned a COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Although Tanzania and Burundi say "yes" to the vaccine with the help of the international…

Tunisia is trying to speed up the vaccination campaign

President Kaïs Saïed has prioritized the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic and is trying in particular to speed up the vaccination campaign. Many steps have been taken during this week. The latest announcements were made by the president on Friday night. With our special correspondent in Tunis, Charlotte CossetAmong the…

Togo requires a vaccination card at its borders

After introducing the vaccination passport a few weeks ago for all those who have been fully vaccinated, the Togolese government will require it at its borders and this, for all countries that have adopted it. as reported from Lomé, Peter Sassou DogbéThe note is dated July 22 and bears the signature of the Secretary - General of…

Vaccination against Covid-19 stagnates

Three million doses are administered weekly, a total of 53 million since the start of the vaccination campaigns and only 8 million Africans have received the two doses required for complete immunity. Several factors explain these poor results. First, Africa received very few vaccines; then people remain suspicious and the fact…

the vaccination campaign against Covid-19

The Ivory Coast is still relatively spared from the Covid-19 pandemic. Officially, it has only 158 active people, and the positivity rate for PCR tests is below 3%, "one of the lowest prices in Africa" ​​the government indicates. In total, the country has registered just over 48,000 cases of pollution and 313 deaths. The vaccination campaign is also on track and the country has placed new vaccine…

Togo sets up a vaccination pass

Since Tuesday, Togolese who have received the two doses of the Covid vaccine can apply for and receive a vaccination passport from their smartphone or computer. as reported from Lomé, Peter Sassou DogbéFully digitized, according to the government, the vaccine passport is a reliable and secure document. The document is free and…

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