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Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed admits that Eritrean forces are

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed admits Eritrean forces are in Tigray Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed admitted on Tuesday that troops from neighboring Eritrea were present in the conflict-ridden Tigray region and suggested they may have been involved in the abuse of civilians. The shooting comes after months of denials from Addis Ababa and Asmara, and accusations from rights…

Ethiopia on the spot because of sexual violence in Tigray

Ethiopia on the spot due to sexual violence in Tigray ADDIS ABABA - The federal government of Ethiopia has once again been pointed out at a number of atrocities where human rights violations are at the center, something that could trigger endless wars from the international community. In November 2020, the federal government deployed the Ethiopian national defense forces to the…

Ethiopia rejects US claims of ethnicity

NAIROBI - Ethiopia on Saturday dismissed U.S. allegations that there has been ethnic cleansing in Tigray, pushing back against recent criticism of its military operation in its northern region by the new government in Washington. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday that he wanted to see Eritrean forces and those from the Amhara region replaced in Tigray by security forces that respect human rights and do not "commit acts of ethnic cleansing". "(The accusation) is a completely unfounded and false…

United States to send envoy to Horn of Africa

United States to send envoy to Horn of Africa WASHINGTON - The United States is in the process of deploying an envoy to the Horn of Africa, a region that has struggled with instability in recent years after a series of political differences and economic challenges that have threatened to plunge many countries into chaos. For example, Ethiopia faces a life challenge in the Tigray…

More than 100 killed in ethnic massacre in Ethiopia

More than 100 killed in ethnic massacre in Ethiopia ADDIS ABABA The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission says more than 100 people have been killed in the latest massacre along ethnic lines in the western part of the country. Amhara Mass Media Agency, affiliated with the country's Amhara region, quoted witnesses in a separate report as saying the attack took place early Wednesday in the Metekel zone of the…

Ahmed’s government is chasing TPLF leaders after taking Mekele

The Ethiopian federal state claims to have won the victory against Tigray's dissident power. On Monday, November 30, the government defended its actions and the results of military operations after more than three weeks of conflict. But the leaders of the TPLF say the fight is not over. Addis Ababa also continues to search for the leaders of the Tigrayan party.…

Although Mekele lost, the TPLF says war is not over

In Ethiopia, the federal army has taken control of Mekele, the capital of Tigray. Since then, the situation seems calm in the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) after more than three weeks of fighting against the central government. Addis Ababa's forces are still looking for the leaders of the Tigrayan movement, who in turn say the war is not over.…

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