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In Guinea, the alarm call from those close to Oumar Sylla,

This Guinean activist, also known as Foniké Menguè, is an official of the Tournons la page and the National Front for Defense of the Constitution, FNDC. Oumar Sylla was forcibly arrested on the streets of Conakry in September last year while trying to mobilize citizens for a demonstration against the proposed third term of…

FNDC activist Oumar Sylla was convicted on appeal

Sentenced in the first instance to eleven months 'imprisonment, after two years' imprisonment required by the prosecutor on appeal, the head of mobilization and the branches of the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution was finally sentenced to 3 years in prison by Judge Saïdou Kéita, the first president of the Court of Appeal. A verdict that human rights defenders and civil society actors…

FNDC activist Oumar Sylla appears before

Civil society activist and responsible for mobilizing the FNDC, which was initially tried by the court in Mafanco in the suburbs of Conakry, and sentenced to eleven months in prison on January 28, Oumar Sylla alias "Foniké Menguet" appeared on Thursday, June 3 before the Court of Appeal in Conakry. as reported from Conakry,…

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