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North Western of Somaliaon the spot over the detention of journalists

HARGEISA, Somalia - The breakaway area of North Western of Somaliahas come beneath fireplace for harassment and arbitrary arrests of journalists following requires respect for freedom of expression and the media throughout the Federal Republic of Somalia. Somali Journalists Syndicate and the Somali Media Association that are the media strain teams, collectively condemned the arrests and assaults on journalists within the area, including that it's obligatory to respect the press. Authorities within the city of Borame,…

The United States puts Somalia’s spy agency on the spot in the latest report from the State Department

NAIROBI, Kenya - Abuse of human rights prominent in the latest report from the State Department as the United States poked holes in the abuse of the rule of law by the federal government in Somalia and to some extent Al-Shabaab militants. For years, Somalia has struggled to impress the international community on issues of freedom and human rights, with journalists, activists and even innocent civilians being the most affected groups, something that has caused concern among stakeholders. But in the report, National…

Ethiopia on the spot because of sexual violence in Tigray

Ethiopia on the spot due to sexual violence in Tigray ADDIS ABABA - The federal government of Ethiopia has once again been pointed out at a number of atrocities where human rights violations are at the center, something that could trigger endless wars from the international community. In November 2020, the federal government deployed the Ethiopian national defense forces to the…

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