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Ethiopia: a landslide in the southern region of the country

Catastrophic Landslide in Southern Ethiopia Claims Lives Catastrophic Landslide in Southern Ethiopia Claims Lives On July 22, relentless downpours triggered a devastating landslide in southern Ethiopia, causing the tragic death of at least 229 individuals. This preliminary count, disclosed by local officials a day later, could potentially increase as rescue operations continue. The natural disaster struck hard, leaving communities in ruin and echoing a grim warning on the impacts of extreme weather.…

Local Official Reports Death Toll Rises to 146 Following Southern Ethiopia Landslide

Southern Ethiopia Landslide Leaves 146 Dead, Local Official Confirms "A devastating landslide in southern Ethiopia has taken a harrowing toll, leaving 146 individuals dead," a regional authority reported. Natural disasters often hit this area around this time of year, turning serene landscapes into sites of tragedy. Eyewitnesses recounted scenes of chaos and despair. "It was like the ground swallowed everything," noted a survivor. This incident, unfortunately, is not isolated. Landslides during the rainy season bring…

Remains Found in Rafah Following Strikes in Southern and Central Gaza

Intensified Strikes in Gaza Heighten Humanitarian Crisis Israel has directed its military power towards southern and central Gaza, intensifying the pressure on Hamas. This follows a weekend assault targeting the group's leadership, which led to numerous Palestinian casualties seeking refuge in a makeshift camp. Two days after the Israeli military action transformed a densely-populated Mawasi area near the Mediterranean into a charred disaster zone, displaced survivors, now bereft of direction, expressed their loss and…

Kenyan troops repel Al-Shabaab assault in southern Somalia

Kenyan troops repel Al-Shabaab assault in southern Somalia KISMAYO, Somalia - Al-Shabaab militants suffered a big setback on Thursday after the Kenya Defense Forces managed to repel an organized assault, which might have been relatively devastating in accordance with eyewitnesses. Senior officers who spoke to the media confirmed that the KDF group answerable for Sector II succeeded in clearing…

Al-Shabaab seizes town in southern Somalia after UPDF exit

Al-Shabaab seizes town in southern Somalia after UPDF exit MOGADISHU, Somalia - A contingent of the Ugandan People's Defense Force walked out of the Mariaguwaay Forward Operating Base in Lower Shabelle, handing the land over to the Somali federal government, but only for Al-Shabaab militants to take control of the city. Ugandan troops serving in AMISOM have been relocated as part of the troop…

Tributes were poured in southern Africa after

Zambia has declared 21 days of national mourning following the death of father Kenneth Kaunda on Thursday at the age of 97. And tributes follow each other from especially southern Africa. Like Zambia, South Africa has declared a period of national mourning: ten days of immediate effect in memory, says Cyril Ramaphosa, of…

civil society in southern kivu mobilizes the following

Civil society in southern Kivu demands an apology from Rwandan President Paul Kagame, following comments to RFI and France 24 during his visit to Paris two weeks ago. Paul Kagame considered the UN survey report to be controversial, and that other reports had concluded that there was no crime in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Words that shocked civil society in southern Kivu, which organized a seat in…

Southern Libya, a lawless space of ​​concern

Since 2018, Chad, Niger, Libya and Sudan have tried to coordinate safety at their borders over what they name the "risk from southern Libya". However this coordination is struggling to get in place. Southern Libya continues to be "a risk to critical threats". The Chadian and Sudanese armed teams pose a significant safety…

Al-Shabaab celebrates Eid al-Fitr in central and southern Somalia

Al-Shabaab celebrates Eid al-Fitr in central and southern Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - A number of areas below the management of Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia have began the Eid Al-Fitr festivities, marking the tip of the holy month of Ramadan, the place Muslim devoted quick for a full month. A test by Axadlehas proven that areas in central and southern Somalia, the place the…

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