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General Lecointre confirms the “terrorist” nature of Sophie Pétronin’s kidnappers

Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces, General François Lecointre insisted on the terrorist nature of "Islamist insurgents" in Mali, thus responding to the remarks of former hostage Sophie Pétronin. "French soldiers would never have the idea of ​​taking hostages for the release of French prisoners." This is the strong response that the Chief of Staff of the French armies wanted to give Sophie Petronin this Wednesday. Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces,…

What we know about the conditions of the release of Soumaïla Cissé and Sophie Pétronin

Five days after the release of Soumaïla Cissé, Sophie Pétronin and two Italian hostages of the Islamist and Muslim support group linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, in exchange for jihadist fighters, there are still many questions surrounding this exchange. We know a little more every day about released jihadists in return for the four hostages. We now know their number. Having long cautiously claimed that there were several dozen, we now know with certainty that they were more than 200. Two hundred and six is…

ex-hostages Sophie Pétronin reunited with her son in Mali

Sophie Pétronin, a French aid worker who was the last French hostage in the world, landed in the capital Bamako to have an emotional reunion with her son after being released along with a top Malian politician. Mali announced the release of Frenchwoman Sophie Pétronin, 75, and Malian politician Soumaïla Cisséon on Thursday along…

arrival in Bamako by ex-hostages Sophie Pétronin and Soumaïla Cissé

Sophie Pétronin and Soumaïla Cissé arrived in Bamako around noon. 22 local time. The aid worker and politician were released after four years and six months in captivity, respectively. When the Malian army plane arrived from Tessalit in Bamako, the joy and relief was enormous among relatives of the ex-hostages. it is the end of an infinite waiting time several days of excitement, four years of ordeal for the French humanitarian family and more than six months of torment for those close to Soumaïla Cisse, the leader of the…

hostages Sophie Pétronin and Soumaïla Cissé have been released

Two hostages, the French Sophie Pétronin and the Malian opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé, were released on Thursday, October 8, 2020. This release comes after the release of several dozen jihadists by the Malian authorities. The last French hostage still held in the world, Sophie Pétronin, as well as Soumaïla Cissé, a major Malian politician who until then is believed to be in the hands of jihadists, have been released, the Malian presidency announced on social networks on Thursday. The Presidency of the Republic…

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