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Al-Shabaab expands tax sequence bases, claims

Al-Shabaab is expanding its tax collection bases, claims Somalia's opposition MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali government has once again been alerted to allegations that al-Shabaab militants are now controlling large parts of the country in the midst of an ongoing stalemate before the election, which has literally brought many activities to standoff in the country. In a harsh…

Loss of US airstrikes in Somalia is rejuvenating

Lack of US airstrikes in Somalia rejuvenates Al-Shabaab militants MOGADISHU, Somalia - Senior Somali officials have expressed concern over the lack of US airstrikes in the Horn of Africa, arguing that the movement allows al-Shabaab to expand territories in the country at the expense of civilians fighting insecurity. Ever since President Joe Biden took office on January 20, the…

Somalia have to offer protection to democratic elections and

Somalia was scheduled to hold presidential elections on February 8th. It was the second deadline missed, after the Federal Parliament’s constitutionally mandated term ended on December 27, 2020. On February 5th, the latest round of election discussions between leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member States (FMS) in Galmudug state capital Dhusamareb ended without an election timetable. The term of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, alias “Farmajo”, ended on February 7th. According to the…

Al-Shabab kills 7 Somali soldiers during storms

At least seven soldiers were killed when warriors from the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab stormed a jail in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland early Friday, police and the group said. Al-Shabab said it had released at least 400 prisoners, many of them members, in its attack on the main prison in Bosaso, Puntland's largest city, early Friday. The authorities did not confirm that figure. "Last night, many well-armed men attacked us from different directions. We fought back but eventually they…

Somali parliamentary time period expires with out transparent

MOGADISHU, Somalia -  Somali parliamentary time period expires with out transparent.A political chin is slowly building up in Somalia, a country that has been in pieces for decades now following the ongoing dismissal before the election, which could throw the country into unprecedented constitutional challenges that would further trigger chaos.

AU militia leader of team of workers leaves Somalia as

AU military chief of staff leaves Somalia when Al-Shabaab ups attack MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prior to the expected exit after completion and full implementation of the Somali transition plan , top officers working on the African Union mission in Somalia continue to leave and pave the way for the new leadership as the country pushes for stability. On Monday, the team held a colorful ceremony for Brig. Gen…

Somali interstate soccer match 2020:

Somali interstate football tournament 2020: Experiences from player Mohamed Mahmoud This is Mohamed Mahmoud. Born and raised in the Barri region of the Northeastern State state of Somalia, he saw an opportunity in Galmudug, followed his football dream and made history as a Puntlander family, as a Galmudug player regionally and as a dream-following young Somali man. This triple identity of Mohamed is a…

“We are ready for an election release dialogue,”

"We are ready for an election release dialogue," said Prime Minister Roble MOGADISHU, Somalia - The room for dialogue on the forthcoming elections in Somalia is open, said Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble under pressure from both the opposition and the international community, calling for all-inclusive talks that could end the current election turmoil. Somalia was scheduled to start the three-month…

AU forces use ‘over the top pressure’ in firing

BELEDWEYNE, Somalia - Somalia witnessed scenes of violence and chaos as protests against the government continued into the third week with several eyewitness accounts of AU forces opening fire on protesters. Violent clashes have erupted in the streets of Hiran's regional capital, Beledweyne, between Somali forces and protesters calling for the release of dozens arrested during massive security operations. At least three people were injured, including a woman, according to hospital sources. The protesters accused…

Tensions proceed to construct alongside the border between Kenya and Somalia in Gedo

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Tensions have continued to build at the Kenya-Somalia border near the fragile Gedo region following a diplomatic spit between the two countries, which was constructed by Jubaland's decision to refuse to hold national elections until the Somali National Army soldiers have been completely withdrawn, Voice of America reports despite ceasefire calls. The Somali federal government has already sent troops to the border town of Beled-Hawo, while forces from Somalia's Jubaland region, which has good…

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