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Talks on Somalia’s elections, which resume subsequent week in

Speakers on Somalia's resumption of elections next week in Mogadishu's source MOGADISHU, Somalia - The leaders of the federal government and the federal states are expected to meet in Mogadishu next Sunday to discuss the country's long-standing electoral conflict. A source close to the presidency told Axadlethat mediation from international partners has managed to persuade the…

Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister hopes for a ‘glad’ consequence in

Somalia's Deputy Prime Minister is hoping for a 'happy' outcome in the maritime case MOGADISHU, Somalia - Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mahdi Mohamed Guled, said on Tuesday that he hoped the outcome of the maritime dispute between Kenya and Somalia, which is currently before The Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ), would be "a source of joy for all Somalis." "I…

Why Somalia is vital to Egypt within the Nile Dam

Why Somalia is important to Egypt in the Nile Dam CAIRO - Political relations are changing rapidly in the Middle East and Africa - including relations between Egypt and Somalia, which appear to have cooled with the neutral Somali stance on the crisis in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). On March 8, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi received the new Somali ambassador…

Somalia: Farmajo receives 1st dose of COVID vaccine

Somalia: Farmajo receives 1st dose of COVID vaccine MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Tuesday received the first shot of the historic COVAX vaccine to launch a vaccination campaign in the country. Farmajo described his decision as an important example of getting any Somali to see how safe the vaccines are and feel comfortable taking them. "I…

Stability in jeopardy as Somalia and Kenya spit over

Stability in jeopardy as Somalia and Kenya spit across the sea border The ongoing standoff between Kenya and Somalia over a large area of ​​the Indian Ocean has caused concern among hundreds of thousands of people who depend on the region's rich fishing areas to survive. "We are really concerned," Kenyan fisherman Adam Lali told DW. "If border issues are not handled well, they will…

Kenya doesn’t seem in court docket

Kenya and Somalia were to meet before the International Court of Justice in The Hague on Monday and for ten days. The demarcation of their maritime border is at stake when significant natural resources lie at sea, but Kenya ultimately decided it would not argue. In a two-page letter sent to the court register last Thursday, the Kenyan justice minister explains his last-minute retreat: technical limitations related to the health situation, delays in the preparation of hearings given the pandemic, but also the presence on…

Somalia receives 300,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia on Monday received its first shipment of 300,000 doses of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine, intended for frontline workers and those most at risk for Covid-19, the government said in a statement. The conflict-torn nation has seen coronavirus cases rise 77 percent over the past month to 9,190, while deaths have more than doubled to a total of 367. "The arrival of the Covid-19 vaccines comes at a critical time as Somalia is now experiencing a new wave of the epidemic," Health Minister Fawziya…

Maritime case continues at ICJ regardless of Kenya

Maritime case continues at ICJ despite Kenya's withdrawal HAGUE - The hearing of the maritime border case between Kenya and Somalia will continue as planned, it has emerged despite last-minute withdrawal of Kenya, which is struggling to retain the oil-rich territory that Somalia accuses her of having seized. In a timetable published last week, the International Court of Justice will…

How Farmajo “disrupts” upcoming election negotiations

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The pre-election negotiations scheduled for Halane Base Camp may not yield much after all, Axadle has learned from recent developments that it would see a number of stakeholders miss out on what could now delay reconciliation in the country. Several sources suggested Axadle about the new complexity, which would seriously damage the reconciliation negotiations, contrary to the expectation of the international community, which has fought extremely hard to rectify the situation. President Mohamed…

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