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Scorch Arm Flab: Top 10 No Weight Workouts for Toned Underarms

Struggling with stubborn underarm fat? You're not alone! Many people find this area particularly challenging to refine, but the good news is that you don't need a fancy gym membership or expensive equipment to see results. With dedication, consistency, and the right exercises, you can work toward achieving sleek, defined arms from the comfort of your own home. This article will guide you through 10 of the best exercises for underarm fat without weights. The secret lies in combining targeted…

Unlock Your Upper-Body Mobility: 10 Dynamic Moves for Enhanced Flexibility and Strength

If you spend all day on a computer or smartphone, chances are you have a tight upper body. The reason is simple: When you stay in one fixed position for many hours hunched over something, the front of your upper body—like your pecs—becomes extremely tight while the rear of your upper body—like your shoulders—becomes lengthened and weak. Over time, this negatively impacts your posture, reduces overall mobility and range of motion in your joints, and increases your risk of aches and pains. So, I'm…

Blitz Your Body: Transformative 10-Minute HIIT Routine for Men to Achieve a Shredded Physique

To get lean and see muscle definition, you need to shed the sneaky layer of "hidden" body fat. Losing fat is basic math: If you burn more calories than you consume in your diet, you'll lose weight. However, the process is also complex because it feels like there are infinite ways to do that—so which is best? The timeless answer is adding high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to your routine. I have you covered with a 10-minute HIIT workout for men to build muscle and get shredded. HIIT is…

Mastering Menopausal Metabolism: 10 Strategies to Combat Weight Gain Naturally

Weight gain during menopause may seem like an unavoidable downside of aging. But the good news is it doesn't have to be. We chatted with registered dietitians and nutrition experts who reveal the 10 best ways to keep menopausal weight gain at bay—all while boosting your health and energy levels. As your body transitions through menopause, hormonal changes can increase body fat, particularly around the abdomen. According to a 2022 study, weight gain during menopause is often caused by reduced…

Revamp Your Weight Loss Journey with These 15 Delicious Protein Shake Recipes

If your goal is to lose weight in a safe and healthy way, protein shakes can help you get there. However, they often have a reputation for being boring—just protein powder, ice, and milk, right? But with the right recipes, your weight-loss protein shakes can be so delicious that you'll want to drink them every day. So, how exactly can protein shakes help you meet your weight loss goals? It mainly comes down to the benefits of protein itself. According to Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, "Protein helps you…

Dietitian’s Top 10 Protein Powders for Shedding Pounds

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a commission. When it comes to losing weight, the main goal is to create a negative calorie balance. While adding calorie-containing supplements to your diet during weight loss might seem counterintuitive, the best protein powders can be incredibly beneficial. Generally, when losing weight, you don't need to take any type of supplement because you're trying to reduce calories and not add calories to…

Transform Your Thighs: 10 Powerful Workouts for Building Strength

Here is a timeless fitness truth: Whether you want to lose weight, build lean muscle, or improve your overall health, a strong lower body is essential. Yet the odd thing is, when you go to any commercial gym, you see people spend way more time strengthening their upper body than their lower body. If anything, you should target your legs more because they require more load to create results. (In other words, don't skip leg day!) I have you covered with 10 of the best exercises for stronger thighs…

Transform Your Arms with These Top 11 Exercises Recommended by a Fitness Expert

Whether you're looking to sculpt sleeve-busting biceps, banish flabby triceps, or perform daily tasks with ease, incorporating arm-strengthening exercises into your fitness routine is a smart idea. However, building toned arms requires more than endless dumbbell curls and tricep dips; we chatted with Jake Dickson, NASM-CPT, a certified personal trainer with Barbend, who shares his 11 best "arm day" exercises to build strength and firm up your arms, regardless of your fitness goals. Incorporating…

Revitalize Your Shoulders: The Ultimate Routine for Strength and Mobility

Strong and mobile shoulders are essential for maintaining proper posture, preventing injuries, and excelling in various physical activities. Whether you're an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or someone looking to improve their overall health, incorporating targeted shoulder exercises into your workout routine is crucial. Here is the #1 daily workout I recommend to my clients to build shoulder strength and mobility. Remember to perform each exercise with proper form, focusing on controlled movements…

Top 10 Must-Have Mediterranean Diet Staples Available at Costco

The Mediterranean diet is everywhere these days. In fact, according to the U.S. News & World Report, this is the seventh year in a row that the MedDiet was awarded the number one slot for "Best Diets Overall"—and for good reason. If you're game to see what all the hype is about, we have you covered with 10 of the best Mediterranean diet foods to buy at Costco so you can add them to your shopping list pronto. Known for its benefits related to heart and brain health, the Mediterranean diet…

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