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concerns for tour operators who can no longer

Foreigners in Saudi Arabia still deprived of a pilgrimage to Mecca this year. A difficult situation for tour operators who organize pilgrimages. This is especially the case in Senegal, where private tour operators are now in total disarray. For the second year since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, they will not be able to organize a Hajj. A real shortcoming for many, who simply risk going out of…

is President Macky Sall campaigning

After a series of so-called "economic" tours that took him to the center of the country, President Macky Sall began a second tour on Saturday, June 12, this time in the regions of Saint-Louis and Matam in the north. A stay that will be reinforced by the mobilization of these supporters who want to forget the parentheses from the riots in March last year. Riots were seen by some as a political message.…

the movement for the defense of democracy

M2D staged demonstrations on Friday, June 11 in Dakar, Diourbel and Ziguinchorp to demand the release of detainees following the riots in March last year. Violence that had left at least 13 dead in connection with the trial against Ousmane Sonko. The coalition between political parties and civil society organizations supporting him, the demonstrations were suspended after mediation by the caliph general…

Senegal River Valley Agricultural Sector,

In Senegal, the agricultural sector employs about 60% of the working population. But does it attract young people, especially those affected by unemployment? In the river valley, the organizers of the first international agricultural fair in the north, which was held last weekend at the Diamadammen, on the Mauritanian border, want to believe it.…

“Nafi’s father”, when dreams change

How do I spot the warning signs before a society collapses and the jihadists give law and terror? Senegalese director Mamadou Dia did not wait for the deadliest attack that Burkina Faso has known since the beginning of jihadist violence in 2015 to talk about the subject. How can a family, a city, an entire society fall into the trap of jihadism? "The Father of Nafi", a first masterful film, was…

Senegal relies on the export of its products

Post-covid revival in Senegal: the government focuses in particular on the agricultural sector, which employs about 60% of the working population. The aim is to strengthen food sovereignty, but also to promote the export of fruit and vegetables produced in Senegal. An ambition was confirmed at the first international agricultural fair in the north held near Saint-Louis (in the north of the country) at…

welcome to Al Ngourane’s “shop”, where we

In Senegal, President Macky Sall is preparing a new "economic tour" in the north of the country this weekend, especially in the Saint-Louis and Matam regions. These marathon trips within the country allow, according to the head of state, "to see the state of implementation of the various projects". One of the government's major…

In Kédougou, young people and students want to

In Kédougou, a landlocked region 700 km from Dakar in southeastern Senegal, young people and students have demonstrated on several occasions in recent weeks. They want to integrate international mining companies that mine gold in their region. An extraction activity that places gold in first place among the exported products, with a 20% increase in exports between 2018 and 2019. Nevertheless, Kédougou…

food storage cubes now

In Senegal, they are found in most kitchens. Food broths will now be taxed at 25%. This is a new provision introduced by the amended budget law on the budget for 2021. The text was adopted by the last Council of Ministers. The measure is part of the budgetary measures to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. It remains to be seen if it will disrupt the habits.…

The price war rages between Orange Money and

In Senegal, the mobile payment operator Wave announced on Saturday, June 5, that it had arrested the regulator to measure sales of Orange telephone credit through their platform, which has now become impossible. An announcement that falls a few days after the drastic 80% drop in Orange Money prices, in the country where the trade war is fierce between these two electronic money services.…

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