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the cattle still sent to the Grand Magal in spite of the difficulties

For the largest pilgrimage of the Mouride fraternity, which takes place this Tuesday, October 6, there is no party without the distribution of beef dishes. Every year, tens of thousands of cattle come from Senegal and neighboring countries. This year, organizers and believers had to deal with the closure of the borders linked to Covid-19 and the coup on 18 August in Mali. as reported from Dakar Touba has its Magal, its great mosque, its innumerable followers and its Bérndé. This Wolof word denotes the festivities, the…

a fire ravages the Pak Lambaye market in Dakar

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, a fierce fire ravaged the Pak Lambaye market in Dakar, causing significant damage. But no sacrifice is to be regretted. From our Dakar correspondent, Piles of charred dirt and columns of smoke. After the fire that ravaged the market in Dakar, there is nothing left of Pak Lambaye. This Sunday, a few traders came to see the extent of the losses. The fire lasted all night but caused no loss. It triggered around noon. 21 Saturday night and was not brought under control until 6…

a 22 billion euro plan to revive the economy

How to revive Senegal's economy? The issue was at the heart of a presidential council on Tuesday, September 29th. Representatives of the government, the private sector and partners from the country gathered around Macky Sall. The authorities presented a € 22.4 billion plan and defined priority sectors. "After the defense, we must go on the attack" to regain growth according to the sports formula used by the head of state. And to this the authorities have adjusted their strategy with new priorities: "Firstly: Accelerate…

birds in the spotlight at the “Volatile” exhibition in Dakar

It is the gradual resumption of cultural activities in Senegal following a total closure linked to the coronavirus pandemic. In Dakar, art galleries welcome a limited and masked audience, but a new exhibition is to be found especially in the gallery le Manège of the French Institute: "Volatile". The signed soundtrack gives an idea of ​​the atmosphere at the Manège Gallery: flying migrants in wire and recycled metal, created by the Mauritanian Oumar Ball, appear to be in dialogue with the birds painted by the Senegalese…

Mansour Faye refuses to explain the management of emergency food aid

In Senegal, many comment on Monday 28 September following a statement by the Minister of Social Development and Social Justice. Mansour Faye, also the president's brother-in-law, was responsible for purchasing and distributing emergency food aid during the Covid-19 pandemic. Support of DKK 69 billion FCFA (more than 105 million euros). Accused of mismanagement, he says he will not respond to a possible call from Ofnac, the national anti-fraud and corruption office. as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idrac "Everything…

Senegal celebrates 18 years of Joola drama

In Senegal, it is the 18th anniversary of Joola's sinking this Saturday, one of the deadliest in history. On September 26, 2002, the ferry connecting Casamance in the south of the country to Dakar sank off the coast of Gambia. Nearly 2,000 people died, only 64 survived. With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte idrac In the context of the pandemic, the memorial is marked with sobriety this Saturday: no large gatherings, the victims' associations call for a minute of silence at. 12 UT. But for the survivors and…

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