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International Monetary Fund Cautions Central African Republic on Economic Risks

IMF Visit and Fuel Supply Challenge in the Central African Republic IMF Visit and Fuel Supply Challenge in the Central African Republic From July 10 to July 17, 2024, a delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) landed in Bangui to engage in discussions with Central African Republic officials. The purpose of this visit was to assess the country’s economic trajectory and address ongoing issues. One critical and persistent problem highlighted during the visit is the fuel supply campaign…

near Kouroussa miners take all risks

Accidents have been linked in recent weeks in several gold mines in Guinea. On March 1, more than a dozen people died in the collapse of a gallery in the Kounsitel area, in the north of the country. RFI was able to visit a handicraft gold-plating place near…

what the fleeing Common John Numbi dangers

What is the risk of John Numbi, the general who fled abroad after refusing to respond to an invitation from military justice, who is trying to hear him about the Chebeya affair? Some Congolese officials are considering the possibility of extraditing the person concerned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This is possible by activating SADC's internal mechanism, which brings together the…

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