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Abudwak Airport Reopens Following Two-Week Shutdown Amidst Militia Threats and Political Tensions

Mogadishu (AX) — In a fresh turn of events, Abudwak Airport, nestled in Somalia's Galgaduud region, has reopened its doors to domestic flights. This comes after a two-week hiatus spurred by militia threats and rumours of behind-the-scenes political meddling. A turbulent clan dispute had stirred security fears, leading to the temporary shutdown of the airport. The skies are now clear for aviation, deemed secure by local officials. One rebel faction’s vows to strike incoming flights led airlines to halt their routes…

Niger reopens its borders after fifteen months

After fifteen months of border closures, the Nigerian government decided to reopen them. The decision, taken at the last Council of Ministers, states that it is thanks to the control of Covid-19 in the country. A decision praised by the country's economic actors. as reported from Niamey, Moussa KakaIt is the control and…

The Grand Marché of Niamey reopens its doors

The front doors to the Grand Marché of Niamey have reopened since this week. An event because it had been more than two years since they were closed due to work on the highway. While the Covid-19 pandemic and the violence in the post-election crisis have hit the capital's economic lung hard, traders are hoping to reopen their doors.…

Nigeria reopens 4 border posts with Benin, Cameroon and Niger

Nigeria opened key border posts with Cameroon, Benin and Niger on Wednesday. The Abuja authorities introduced this within the afternoon. Nigeria closed its borders in August 2019, formally to cease smuggling and encourage native manufacturing. as reported from Lagos, Liza FabbianIt was the International Minister who made this…

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